5 Dacia foreign players face expulsion from Moldova

Five foreign players for the Chisinau-based soccer club “Dacia” could pay large fines and be expelled from Moldova for not holding stay and work permits, Info-Prim Neo reports, citing the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Three of the five footballers are Georgian nationals – Sergi Orbeladze, 26, Jaba Dvali, 23, and Levan Kargalidze, 28, – and the remaining two are Romanian nationals – Marin Calin, 27, and Manuel Amarandei, 29. Administrative proceedings have been initiated against the football players. The administration of the club will likely be punished too for hiring foreign citizens without proper authorizations. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, Dacia's administrator Vitalie Grosu has said that the five players do hold work permits, and theirs stay permits are about to be issued soon. The administrator doubts that the court will order their expulsion. According to Vitalie Grosu, other clubs in Moldova experience similar problems, too. Situations like this are generated by the fact that the procedure for obtaining permits takes a lot of time while the transfer period is short. On July 17, Dacia is to play an UEFA Cup qualifying match against the Serbian club Borac. According to the Interior Ministry, similar failures were also discovered at the football clubs Olimpia, Tiraspol and Nistru Otaci. The Moldovan Soccer Federation is to be officially notified of the failures discovered.

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