40% of Moldovans’ incomes go on food

The Moldovans spend 40% of their incomes on food. According to statistics for the first nine months, the salary remains the main source of income. The salary incomes represent 41.9% of the total incomes earned. Remittances from abroad remain an important source of livelihood for households. They represent 17.5% of the total revenues, while their contribution is by 1.8% higher compared with the corresponding period last year, IPN reports.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the rural population is greater dependent on remittances from abroad than the urban one. The remittances make up 23.2% of their incomes, as against 11.9% in the case of the urban population.

The main source of income of the urban population is the salary, which represents 54.7% of the incomes. In rural areas, the main source of livelihood is also the salary, but its contribution is two times smaller (28.6%). The revenues earned from individual agricultural activity constitute 16.4% of the disposable incomes.  

The average monthly consumption costs in nine month in urban areas came to 2,242.5 lei per person, up 627.4 lei compared with the rural areas. The urban population spends 6.3% on health services, as opposed to 5.4% in the rural areas, 2.7% on hotels, cafes and restaurants, as against 0.7%, 1.0% on education, in contrast to 0.7%.

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