30,000 lamps from Igor Dodon

The yards of apartment buildings and private houses in Chisinau will be lit by the City’s Day marked on October 14, promised Communist MP Igor Dodon, who Thursday launched a lighting project for Rascani district, Info-Prim Neo reports. The lawmaker said 30,000 lamps will be installed during a month. The first lamps were put at 12 Moscovei Blvd. According to Igor Dodon, the lamps will be fixed only with the dwellers’ consent. The move is aimed at helping the residents of Chisinau and is a first stage of the project implemented by the Foundation “Solutia”. The cost of the project is over 75,000 lei. The financing comes from donations. The project includes provision of legal consultancy services, repair of different public goods, and charity acts. Earlier this month, Communist MPs Igor Dodon and Zinaida Greceanyi launched the Foundation “Solutia”, which is apolitical, according to them. Its aim is to offer assistance to the inhabitants of Chisinau municipality in the problems appearing in the relations with the municipal companies and the City Hall and to provide financial support to underprivileged groups of people.

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