30 polling stations to be established in Moldova for parliamentary elections of Romania

A number of 30 polling stations will be available on Moldova’s territory for the parliamentary elections that will be held in Romania on December 5 and 6. Seven of the stations will be established in Chisinau. Voters will be able to cast their ballots between 7am and 9pm, IPN reports.

Romania’s Ambassador in Chisinau Daniel Ioniță told a news conference that a polling station at the Embassy based at 66/1 București St will no longer be established. Two stations will be yet opened nearby – at “Gh. Asachi” St situated at 64 București St. One polling station will be established at the Embassy’s Consular Section located at 2 Gh. Ureche St. A new station will be yet available nearby – at the Theoretical Lyceum “Miguel de Cervantes”.

The Embassy of Romania recommends the voters who go to the polls to wear masks, to disinfect their hands when entering polling places, after each contact with persons or objects, and when going out of these places. They should also maintain physical distancing of 1 meter inside the polling station and when waiting to enter the station.

Strict and safe procedures will be set for enabling persons with evident symptoms of respiratory infection or fever to vote at polling stations. The mobile ballot box will not be available.

If the voters have the domicile abroad, they can vote at any polling station aboard with the ordinary passport, which shows the country of domicile, the ordinary temporary passport, which shows the country of domicile, the ordinary electronic passport, which shows the country of domicile. If the residence is abroad, the electors can vote at any polling station abroad with: the identity card, the electronic identity card, the temporary identity card, etc. As an exception, the Romanian citizens with passports that expired during March 1 – December 6, 2020 can vote in these elections. The identification papers must be accompanied by an official document concerning the setting of residence issued by the foreign state.

Daniel Ioniță said all the polling stations will have a sufficient number of ballots. If a station is short of ballots, ballot papers from another polling station could be brought to this.

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