After 30 of the 305 voting reports were processed, the National Alternative Movement’s candidate for mayor of Chisinau Ion Ceban is shown to hold the lead with over 54% of the vote. He is followed by the PAS candidate Lilian Carp with almost 26% of the poll, IPN reports.
According to the preliminary results presented by the Central Election Commission, the candidate of the PSRM Adrian Albu gained 4.7% of the vote, the PPPDA’s candidate Victor Chironda – 3.5%, the Revival Party’s candidate Vasile Bolea – 3%. The other contenders polled less than 2% of the ballot.
If none of the candidates gains more than half of the valid votes cast, a runoff vote involving the two candidates with the highest number of votes in the first round voting will be held in two weeks.
- Mayor in Aluatu not elected. Election to be rerun in two weeks
- Post-electoral conclusions. Op-Ed by Igor Boțan
- Second round of rerun election is held in Aluatu village this Sunday
- Calibrating reforms for Moldova’s next elections. Op-Ed by Dr. Dorina Baltag
- Viorel Chivriga: Localities in Moldova have enormous potential to reach European development level and some already managed to do this
- Stanislav Giletski: Europeanization should start at local level
- Ion Galeru: Each local elected official should be treated equally by government, regardless of political color
- Viorel Furdui: Local elected official are among main promoters of Europeanization
- Local elections in context of European course. IPN debate
- Angela Caraman: Premier and President are not obliged to withdraw from office during campaign
- Leonid Boaghi about advantages of cooperation between LPAs and NGOs: When you don’t have partners, you must grow them
- Mariana Galea: We cannot speak about much autonomy at local level when budgets are small
- Andrei Covali: For mayor and local council, citizen’s interests should be key
- Local elected officials after elections: Cooperation and competition for public interest. IPN debate
- Number of female mayors in Moldova will reach 30% only in 2039, CPD
- Veaceslav Ioniță: Speech in campaign prior to local elections should center on real problems of localities
- Number of female candidates for mayor in 15 years grew by only 7%, CPD
- Silviu Bivol: Quality of political class can be improved through concrete steps
- Valeriu Sainsus about particularities of local elections: Not political color, but person matters
- Quality of political class and portrait of voter at local level. IPN debate
- Public Administration Reform via Electoral Signals. Op-ed written by Dr. Dorina Baltag
- Society’s perceptions of role of women in politics have worsened, findings
- Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections: Local elections were partially free and fair
- Citizens are discouraged as none of politicians was jailed for corruption, MP
- Ion Ceban’s seat of mayor validated
- Causeni mayor stripped of victory in latest election
- Cash seized from Șansă Party member after searching his home
- Residents of Aluatu to vote in mayoral runoff in two weeks
- PAS and PSRM won most seats of mayor in runoffs
- Youngest mayor is 23, oldest one is 71
- ENEMO Mission presents Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions for November 19 runoffs
- Promo-LEX observers reported 126 incidents during voting process
- MP wins mayoralty in a village of Nisporeni district
- Sergei Anastasov reelected mayor of Comrat
- Who won mayoralty in eight suburban settlements of Chisinau municipality
- Ex-minister elected mayor of Ungheni
- Over 314,000 voters cast ballots in November 19 elections
- Alexandr Petkov won mayoral runoffs in Balti
- Elections in municipality of Balti are valid
- Over 60 incidents reported by observers of Promo-LEX
- Turnout of voters in Balti at over 16%
- Alexandr Petkov: Fate of Balti is decided today
- Voting process is taking place without significant incidents, CEC
- Maxim Moroșan: I voted for bright and correct future of Balti
- National voter turnout at midday close to 15%
- Maia Sandu: Go to the polls and decide how you want your locality to look like
- Incidents in election process reported by Promo-LEX observers
- Dorin Recean: Everyone should go and vote today
- Over 851,000 electors expected to vote today. All polling stations opened
- Runoff vote is held in 273 localities and elections are rerun in another eight localities today
- Promo-LEX further ascertains abusive use of administrative resources
- Cause of disappointment and sufferings of Marc Tkachuk... Op-Ed by Victor Pelin
- Pavel Postica: Nearly 830,000 people are expected to vote in November 19 runoffs
- Alexandru Bujorean: Each election is a new litmus test for society
- Igor Bucătaru: Use of administrative resource is most common violation in elections
- Angela Kolatski: If fertile soil for electoral corruption hadn’t existed, this phenomenon wouldn’t have had such a scale
- Influence of acts of corruption on election process at local level. IPN debate
- PAS obtained most of seats of mayor after November 5 elections in Moldova
- Election results: a litmus test Moldova’s European Integration. Op-Ed by Dr. Dorina Baltag
- Alexandr Petkov renews call for debate ahead of Balti mayoral runoff election
- Socialist candidate Maxim Moroshan invites Renato Usatyi to debate
- 828,000 ballots to be printed for runoff vote
- Revolution put off... Op-Ed by Victor Pelin
- Lilian Carp: Candidates should be required by law to participate in debates
- Janis Mazeiks: Those who disobey the law should be tackled by ordinary ways so that there is possibility of challenging
- Local elections and perspective of Russo-Moldovenist revenge. Op-Ed by Anatol Țăranu
- Adrian Băluțel: When we face a direct danger to state security, we assume risky decisions
- Ion Tăbîrță: Geopolitical disputes are prefigured for 2025
- Igor Dodon: Socialists will not withdraw their candidate for mayor of Balti
- Partial elections to take place in three localities in spring
- Mayoral runoffs to be held Nov. 19
- Victor Koroli: People with special needs face multiple barriers in electoral processes
- Cornelia Ursu: Persons with special needs and ethnic minorities meet with barrier in election process – hate speech
- Svetlana Rusu: National programs to support vulnerable categories should be applicable at local level
- Alina Andronache: Number of women in politics and in administrative posts grew, but…
- Participation of women, ethnic minorities and persons with special needs in local elections. IPN debate
- Media outlets urged to inform voters impartially
- Relatively equal access for candidates, image transfer and gender imbalance, IJC report
- PAS and PSRM obtained most of seats in district councils
- Marina Tauber: Decision to exclude Arina Korshikova is shameful and will be challenged
- Arina Korshikova excluded from electoral competition in Balti
- Alexandru Bujorean: We must be concerned about multiplication of “Orhei” phenomenon
- Mihai Mogîldea: In large towns and northern districts, PAS suffered semi-failure
- IDOM demands additional measures to guarantee electoral rights in mental institutions
- 650 persons from psychiatric institutions voted in November 5 elections
- CEC provides details about conduct of election campaign for runoffs
- Dragoș Galbur: In Chisinau, 22 out of 28 candidates were fillers
- Valeriu Pașa: Blow was given to fortress of pro-European views
- MAN and PAS will each have 20 councilors in Chisinau City Council
- How seats were distributed in Balti Municipal Council
- Igor Grosu: Party of Action and Solidarity will have a strong team in CMC
- Mayors in 623 localities elected by first round of voting
- Igor Dodon: Government suffered defeat
- ENEMO presents Preliminary Statement on November 5 local elections
- Mayors in ten suburbs elected by first round. Runoffs to be held in eight localities
- Ion Ceban: I assure you that I will be mayor of everybody
- Our Party polled most of votes in elections to Balti Municipal Council
- Andrei Donică lost election in Condrița
- Results of elections to Chisinau Municipal Council
- Scores obtained by 27 candidates for mayor of Chisinau
- 100% of votes counted. Ion Ceban won Chisinau mayoralty by first round
- PAS candidate and independent candidate to compete in runoffs in Ungheni
- Nicolae Dandiș won elections in Cahul according to preliminary results
- Runoff vote to be held in Balti
- Two more voting reports to be processed in Chisinau. Ion Ceban gains 50.63%
- Ion Ceban: According to preliminary results, MAN won in Chisinau
- Protests, test for opposition’s force. Op-Ed by Victor Pelin
- 302 of 305 voting reports processed: Ion Ceban – 50.65%, Lilian Carp – 28.20%
- With one third of voting reports processed, Ion Ceban is shown to have 53% of the ballot
- Preliminary election results in Balti: Arina Korshikova and Alexandr Petkov hold lead
- Lilian Carp after ending of voting: Chisinau should be placed next to European capitals
- Elections to be rerun in eight localities
- Vasile Bolea: Regardless of results, promises made to citizens should be fulfilled
- Polls closed, national voter turnout at over 41%
- Police: No major violations or incidents were identified
- Ion Ceban: Our priority is to ensure security of vote of each citizen of Chisinau
- Promo-LEX reports attempts to corrupt voters and cases of campaigning
- Turnout of voters nationwide at 7 p.m. was 40%
- Dorin Recean: I call on everyone to vote. There will be no runoffs for local councils
- Voter turnout in 820 out of 898 localities exceeded 25%
- Election threshold in municipality of Balti passed
- Number of reported election process incidents increased, Promo-LEX
- Election threshold in Chisinau reached
- Ruslan Codreanu: I voted for Chisinau and for people
- Nicolai Grigorishin votes for stability in Balti
- Voters in Pocrovca village of Dondușeni most active ones so far
- Police signal cases of political campaigning
- About 200 ODIHR observers are overseeing elections in Moldova
- Adrian Albu: I voted for a city in which we will be respected
- CUB candidate Ion Bulgac: I’m sure that from tomorrow we will build a correct Chisinau
- Victor Chironda: We need solid sustainable development
- Maia Sandu: Democracy depends on our vote
- Almost half a million citizens voted by noon
- Vasile Costiuc: Don’t stay at home as each vote matters!
- PSRM’s candidate for mayor of Balti voted for city’s future
- Vasile Bolea: I voted for revival of Chisinau and all Moldova
- Roman Mihăeș: I voted for a European and Romanian Chisinau
- Ștefan Gligor: I voted for a city without traffic jams, schemes, bureaucracy and populism
- Candidate for mayor of Balti Mark Tkachuk cast a vote
- Over 10,000 voters cast ballots in Balti by 11 a.m.
- Ion Ștefăniță: I voted for a city in which one wants to stay
- Anatol Usatyi: I voted for a city that deserves a sustainable future
- Diana Caraman: I call on everyone to go and vote for city’s future
- Vadim Brînzaniuc: I voted for a city in which one would be proud of living
- Ion Ceban: I today voted for development of Chisinau
- PACE candidate Constantin Butucel could not vote
- Over 42,000 citizens of Chisinau voted by 10 a.m.
- Promo-LEX reported 141 incidents at polling stations by 9 a.m.
- Ruslan Popa: I voted for solving traffic congestion problem in 24 hours
- Mihail Polyanski: I voted for a team of honest people
- Lilian Carp: I voted for normality as this should be restored in Chisinau
- Over 100,000 voters cast ballots by 9 a.m.
- Elections in two localities in Gagauzia are not held
- All 1,958 polling stations opened
- Moldova’s towns and villages choose their mayors
- Șansă Party candidates removed from local elections
- Persons with visual impairments had limited access to information on websites of political parties, report
- Electoral platforms are ignorant of disability, INFONET Alliance
- Campaign end is marked by intensification of competitors’ activism, Promo-LEX
- Victor Chironda: It is very important to mobilize and vote for pro-European candidates
- Vasile Bolea: Revival Party is ready to fight for rights of citizens
- Ion Ceban: We had a correct campaign and provided solutions
- Vadim Brînzaniuc: We came with a realistic program that can change appearance of Chisinau
- Moldova is subject to unprecedented hybrid attacks, SIS director
- Electoral threshold required for this Sunday’s local elections
- Adrian Albu: November 5 vote will set development tone in Chisinau
- Today is last day of campaigning before election day
- Towards local democracy in Moldova: why local elections matter. Op-ed by Dr. Dorina Baltag
- Portraits of 28 candidates for mayor of Chisinau
- Candidates of ALDE, PAS and Chance present priorities at new round of debates “I want to be a mayor”
- Force of political parties in local elections is analyzed on
- PSDE candidate for mayor of Chisinau suggests fundamentally reforming City Hall
- MAN wants to attract investments to Chisinau by creating 100 new investment profiles
- Number of undecided voters decreased to under 30%, iData
- Lilian Carp: In runoff vote, we will return Chisinau Hall and CMC to people
- Victor Chironda: Together we will build a European Chisinau
- Local elections to be videotaped
- Candidates of Chance Party excluded from electoral competition in eight localities
- Vasile Bolea, Constantin Butucel and Andrei Donică present priorities in new round of debates “I want to be a mayor”
- Tatiana Platon – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Two people turn in vote-buying cash to police
- Andrei Donică demands to put off mayoral election in Chisinau
- State institutions show they are incapable of fighting voter corruption, Ștefan Gligor
- Contender complains about unequal conditions for independents and candidates fielded by parties
- After elections, 2/3 of population will live with mayors controlled from outside, Ștefan Gligor
- Ștefan Gligor asks to exclude representatives of criminal groups Shor and Caramalac from electoral competition
- Andrei Donică – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Ion Purice and Andrei Munteanu present electoral platforms in new round of debates “I want to be a mayor”
- Ștefan Gligor – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- President of PONA party presents plans for Chisinau
- Parties that criticize democratic decline of current regime are intimidated, Ion Dron
- GPI: Corruption in elections is an offense
- CUB suggests commitment, urges citizens to vote on November 5
- All over 100 social support programs will be continued and extended, Ion Ceban
- Andrei Donică registered as a candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Chance Party’s candidates could be removed from electoral competition
- Arina Spătaru – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Adrian Albu, Victor Chironda and Ruslan Codreanu present platforms at new round of debates “I want to be a mayor”
- TV channels react after suspension of licenses
- Media NGOs concerned over ‘non-transparent’ suspension of licenses for six TV channels
- Voters may ask to cast ballots at home
- Suburban settlements should develop at same pace as capital city, PSDE candidate
- Commission for Exceptional Situations suspends licenses of six TV channels
- ENEMO presents Interim Report for November 5 elections
- Ion Ceban: We will continue to invest in creation of conditions for children and young people
- No exit poll to be held Nov. 5
- Andrei Munteanu – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Prime Minister, Speaker attend campaign event of a PAS candidate
- Last day for requesting accreditation of election observers
- Local elections to cost at least 154 million lei
- Ștefan Urîtu – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Transactions of ‘millions of lei’ for Șansă Party traced to Russia, police say
- Igor Cristal: There is potential for electoral processes to improve in Moldova
- Nicolae Panfil: Electoral corruption is a factor that can affect integrity of elections
- Cristina Cucurudza: Voters should become involved more and should report acts of corruption
- Corruption technology: how and why does it work (or doesn’t) in Moldova. IPN debate
- Ion Ceban: We now aim to rehabilitate three large and important parks
- PGO urged to investigate actions taken by a bank with regard to PONA
- PONA accuses bank of refusing to open account in its name and of not informing about refusal
- Ion Purice – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- PAS candidate promises belt road to bypass center of Chisinau
- Candidates of PDCM, CUB and PSDE present priorities at new round of debates “I want to be a mayor”
- Three detained in illegal party financing case
- Sergiu Burlacu, Ion Strachuk and Mark Tkachuk present priorities for Balti in electoral debates
- Cristina Vulpe – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Igor Boțan: We proposed German party financing model
- Candidates Ruslan Popa, Alla Popova and Roman Mihăeș present priorities for Chisinau
- Ion Ștefăniță proposes revitalization project for Ștefan cel Mare Public Garden
- Vladimir Rusu, Sergiu Popovici and Alexandru Gustoi in electoral debate
- PACE candidate for Chisinau mayor promises industrial spaces to young entrepreneurs for only 1 leu per year
- Nicolae Negru: Integrity in elections should be regarded from angle of local particularities
- Mariana Novac: Collection of information in local elections is a challenge in monitoring process
- Viorel Rusu: Candidates sometimes can be excessively cautious in ensuring transparency and integrity in local elections
- Printing of ballots for November 5 general local elections underway
- Media outlets are urged to correctly and impartially cover election campaign
- Some of TV channels offered relatively equal access to election contenders, while others had preferential attitudes, report
- PSDE candidate for mayor of Chisinau promises to build national football arena
- Transparency and integrity in local elections. IPN debate
- Chisinau City Hall should become a management model, Ruslan Codreanu
- Ion Ceban: A number of streets in Chisinau will be extended and reconstructed
- Ștefan Urîtu, Diana Caraman and Ștefan Gligor present priorities for Chisinau in new debates round
- Anatolie Prohnitski – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Cornel Ciurea: Recreational element prevails over educative one within parties
- Vasile Bolea suggest solutions for housing sector: We will cut cleanup tax by 50%
- Iurie Țap: Political culture is based on general culture
- Olga Manole: Political culture in Moldova is participatory and young people are more active politically
- Political culture at local and European levels: contexts and examples. IPN debate
- PSRM candidate for mayor of Chisinau promises 10,000 lei annually to families with many children
- Lilian Carp aims to create favorable conditions for private sector
- Ion Ceban: From first day of term, we will continue developing Chisinau together
- Alla Popova – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Arina Korshykova
- Municipality of Chisinau must become an engine of development, PNL candidate
- Cristina Vulpe promises belt road, smart traffic lights, parking lots and renovated roads
- First three candidates present priorities in debates program “I want to be mayor”
- Ruslan Popa – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Lilia Zaharia: Amending a law ahead of elections seems to be a political decision that would favor the ruling party
- Mihaela Duca-Anghelici: Imposing restrictions in elections can create dangerous precedents in the long term
- Mihail Bagas released from arrest
- Ion Terguță: No country of post-Soviet space managed to integrate into EU without lustration law
- PSDE candidate: Chisinau should and can become an engine of national economy
- Ion Ceban: Chisinau City should expand
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Marina Kravchenko
- Dragoș Galbur – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Applications to vote at place of stay in November 5 elections can be submitted
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Anastasia Svetlichnyi
- Ion Ceban – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Roman Mihăeș –portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- First fines for non-compliant coverage of elections on TV and radio
- Vasile Bolea: We will make social protection a priority for Chisinau administration
- Vasile Costiuc designated as suspect in battery case
- Chisinau District Electoral Council challenges court decision concerning Donică
- Kindergartens and schools in Chisinau should be rehabilitated and extended, PSDE candidate
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Vladimir Rusu
- Vasile Bolea – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Geopolitics of 2023 elections in the Republic of Moldova: scenarios, forecasts. Op-Ed by Anatol Țăranu
- Court reverses decision denying registration to Chisinau mayoral hopeful Andrei Donică
- Electoral campaign marked by abusive use of administrative resources, Promo-LEX
- Oleg Burlacu – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Sergiu Popovich
- Ion Manole: Those who come to power tend to become arrogant and to ignore people’s problems
- Victor Chironda – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- PLDM candidate: In four years, Chisinau can be more developed, cleaner and richer
- PSDE candidate promises 1 billion lei for rehabilitation of housing sector in Chisinau
- Solutions proposed by MAN candidate to decongest Chisinau
- PAS candidate: We will not allow to build new blocks inside yards and on sports grounds
- Revival Party’s candidate for mayor of Chisinau promises support for education and health professionals
- Mihail Polyanski – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Nicolai Grigorishin
- 60,000 candidates registered as contenders in November 5 general local elections
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Victoria Șapa
- 27 candidates to contend for mayoralty of Chisinau
- Adrian Albu – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Rural mayor hospitalized after being allegedly beaten by son of contestant
- Voters can check accuracy of electoral rolls from Monday
- Ion Bulgac – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Ștefan Gligor: Without hesitation and dubious compromises, we will defend public interest
- Vadim Brînzaniuc – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Ten TV channels are being monitored by IJC in campaign prior to November 5 elections
- 65.7% of residents of Chisinau are absolutely sure they will go to polls on November 5
- Vasile Bolea promises clear urban development plan for Chisinau
- Anatol Usatyi – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Alexandr Petkov
- Last five contenders for mayoralty of Cahul registered
- Ecologist Green Party’s candidate: We no longer accept ecological crisis in Chisinau
- Ion Ceban about building of waste dump in Stăuceni: As long as I’m a mayor, I will oppose
- Appeals Court rejects Marina Tauber’s application concerning non-admission in Balti election
- Dignity and Truth Platform makes call to pro-European parties
- Constantin Butucel promises to turn capital city into safe and comfortable place
- Lilian Carp – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Alexandr Nesterovschi
- Viorica Calugher: An informed voter knows how to identify hate speech
- Tudor Borș: Police officers are trained to differentiate between hate speech and freedom of speech
- Irina Korobchenko: There is a big difference between acid electoral speech and hate speech
- Alexandru Berlinschii: Punishment of hate speech in electoral period will discourage denigrating campaigns
- Hate speech prohibited and penalized, novelty at November 5 elections. IPN debate
- Lilian Carp: We will build Chisinau with more safe and comfortable yards
- Last three Balti mayoral hopefuls registered
- Andrei Donică not registered as contender in Chisinau mayoral race
- PAS deputy chairwoman: Alliance of forces from the Kremlin endeavor to thwart European course
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Ion Strachuk
- Diana Caraman – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Vasile Bolea promises compensation for medical staff and modernization of hospitals
- Igor Grosu: This autumn’s elections are an essential stage on path of integration into EU
- ENEMO to oversee November 5 general local elections in Moldova
- Appeals Court rejects Marina Tauber’s request to annul CES order
- Two more aspirants for mayoralty of Balti registered
- PSRM’s candidate suggests building road belt around Chisinau
- Chance Party’s candidate registered as contender for mayoralty of Chisinau
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Sergiu Burlacu
- Ion Ștefăniță – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- All 11 aspirants for mayor of Ungheni registered
- Maxim Moroșan: On November 5, we will return city to Balti residents
- Four more aspirants for mayoralty of Balti registered
- Ruslan Popa of New Historic Option Party: Vote for taxi driver-mayor
- PLDM starts election campaign in Balti: Balti can become modern and developed city
- Vadim Brînzaniuc: We will fundamentally change way in which Chisinau is managed
- Victor Chironda: On November 5, we will vote for European Moldova all over the country
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Aureliu Filipp
- Constantin Butucel – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Ruslan Codreanu wants city with administration and employees for people
- Seven aspirants for post of mayor of Cahul. Two of them already registered
- At most 16 candidates to compete for mayoralty of Balti municipality
- 29 candidates could contend for mayoralty of Chisinau
- People in Chițcani, Cremenciug and Gîsca to vote Căușeni District Council
- Models of ballots for November 5 elections approved
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Maxim Moroșan
- Ruslan Codreanu – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- PAS launches campaign for November 5 local elections
- PSRM’s candidate promises comfortable, green, inclusive and accessible capital city
- Two more persons aspire for post of mayor of Balti
- Ion Ceban registered as election contender
- Profile of candidate for mayor of municipality of Balti. Alexandru Gustoi
- Vasile Costiuc – portrait of candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Over 70 searches conducted in cases of illegal party funding
- Promo-LEX ascertains tendencies that can affect organization and conduct of elections
- CEC compiles list of persons who cannot be registered as contenders in local elections
- Two more aspirants for post of mayor of Chisinau registered
- Campaign prior to local general elections begins Oct. 6
- Vasile Grădinaru: We enter election campaign as we cannot wait
- Alexandru Tănase: Parliament should not adopt dedicated laws
- Final vote on Electoral Code amendments
- Ion Ceban is favorite of this year’s local elections, iData poll
- Bill to amend Election Code given a first reading by Parliament
- PLDM’s representative registered as candidate for mayor of Chisinau
- Searches at Chance Party
- Parliament to consider bill that individualizes restrictions on standing for election
- Mihai Popșoi: We will come up with proportional legislative solutions closer to Venice Commission’s recommendations