3 die, 4 injured in appalling car crash

Three people have died and other four got injured in a car crash on 13 August on Chisinau-Rezeni motorway, near Bacioi village of Chisinau. The coordinating doctor of the Emergency Service from the capital, Ludmila Untura, has told Info-Prim Neo that at about 21.00, an Audi, driven by a 21-year-old man collided with a Moskvich, driven by a 50-year-old man. After the crash, the Moskvich turned into a pile of metal, squeezing the driver and two women aged 30 and 50, who died at once. The driver and other passengers of the Audi, aged 21, 24 and 30, were taken out by passers-by from the burning car. All four got hospitalized with severe traumas. On Thursday, at 7.00, an Opel overturned on the Chisinau-Orhei motorway. The doctors suppose the driver was speeding, and suddenly braking at a semaphore made the car overturn. The 30-year-old driver suffered brain concussion and broke some bones, as well as his 27-year-old wife. A 10-year-old girl from Sangera town (Chisinau mun.) tried to kill herself swallowing aspirin pills, but was taken to the hospital to get detoxified. A 21-year-old woman fell from height near a dwelling block on Milescu Spataru street. She fell from the 3rd floor, suffering multiple woulds. Still, the doctors do not know whether it was an accident or a suicide attempt. A 39-year-old man was found unconscious in a courtyard in Botanica district of Chisinau, after he drank surrogate alcohol. The Ambulance doctors have serviced 738 appeals the last day and night.

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