270 trees to be cut from central boulevard of Chisinau

The project to repair Stephan the Great Blvd. of Chisinau envisions cutting 270 trees. Galina Leahu, deputy head of the Green Areas Managing Association, Monday said that one of the conditions imposed by the EBRD for financing the project was to put all the pipes into special channels. More complicated constructions are needed for the purpose and trees’ roots hamper the works, IPN reports.

According to Galina Leahu, the Green Areas Managing Association is against cutting the healthy trees.

Mayor General Dorin Chirtoaca asked that the two lines of trees on the central boulevard should be kept. He said that the people will be dissatisfied if the trees are cut and the works to repair the boulevard will be thus stained.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development lent €22 million for reconstructing six streets in the center of Chisinau, including the central boulevard.

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