A number of 25,000 child deaths occurring worldwide daily may have been prevented. Hundreds of children are subjected to violence through labor, millions of children do not have access to drinking water and appropriate hygienic conditions, thousands of girls give birth to children in improper conditions, UNICEF Representative in Moldova Alexandra Yuster said Friday during the launch of the study “The State of the World’s Children”, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“Moldova made considerable progress in ensuring the observance of children’s rights. Access to healthcare and social protection has improved. The Government pledged to create adequate conditions for children’s growth and harmonious development,” Aexandra Yuster said.
Wolfgang Behrendt, the first secretary of the European Commission in Moldova, said the EC provided 21 million euros to Moldova as part of a project and 17,000 deprived families benefited from assistance.
Ombudswoman for children’s rights Tamara Plamadeala said the right to education and the right to grow and develop in a family environment are most often violated. “35,000 children have their parents working abroad, 75,000 have only one parent, 3,000 are under police supervision, while 14,800 are disabled. One in ten children is subjected to violence,” she said.
The study was launched on the occasion of 20 years of the signing of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.