2011 will bring many opportunities that cannot be missed

On March 12, Uranus will enter Aries for a seven-year period, closing an epoch of suffering. It will bring many opportunities that cannot be missed: rapid energy changes, confrontations and tension between the political leaders, forced modernization, etc. The predictions were made by the head of the Culture and Cosmology Center “Polus Geticus” Tatiana Paladi in an interview for Info-Prim Neo. According to the astrologist, the planets will continue to motivate the people to take action on the basis of their experience. One should not avoid responsibility as they will be punished and will lose many of their achievements. “I described the cosmic arrangement generated by the governor of 2011 that offers chances, benefits and other nice gifts to the Ewe Lamb – Moldova. However, there will be difficult periods and obstacles amplified by the cosmic energies of the social planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), eclipses and other astral events. Compared with the last two years, the sociopolitical atmosphere will be calmer. There will be yet economic and financial problems, hindrances in implementing projects, repaying debts and extending activities,” said Tatiana Paladi. 2011 will enable to take important steps towards solving problems by efficient political activities and political, humanitarian and social contacts with international organizations. There will be occasions to make decisive changes aimed at removing the restrictions and the old obstacles. “Only a free people can overcome the difficulties, take the opportunities and use the cosmic energies for one's own benefit,” the astrologist stated.

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