2010 can become Year of Grigore Vieru

A number of public associations suggested naming 2010 the Year of Grigore Vieru by presidential decree. The Chisinau City Hall backs the idea and is already formulating a plan of commemorative actions, Info-Prim Neo reports. “Cultural activities to commemorate Grigore Vieru will be carried out on February 13 and 14. Famous actors and personalities from Moldova and Romania will take part in them,” said the Culture Division's head Lucia Culev. A copy of Grigore Vieru's bust that was unveiled in the Romanian town of Alba Iulia on December 1 will be brought to Chisinau by the organization “Romanians Everywhere.” They want that the bust be placed at the intersection of Alba Iulia and Ion Creanga streets in Chisinau on February 14, when it is the poet's birthday. Vieru's bust on the Alley of Classical Writers in Chisinau's central park will be unveiled on the same day. Contests of poetry, prose, plays and essays will be held in the libraries and schools of Chisinau during the next two months. There will be organized recitals, concerts, exhibitions and classes on the great bard's work and life. Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca ordered selecting a street that will bear the name of Grigore Vieru by February 14. “The streets that could be named Grigore Vieru include Pushkin, Moscova, Renasterii and Serghei Lazo,” the mayor said. The Government's commemoration program includes a concert involving singers from Moldova, Romania, Germany and Italy on February 10 and 11, the unveiling of Grigore Vieru's bust on the Alley of Classical Writers, the publishing of the poet's Opera Omnia, the reconstruction and opening of the museum-house in the bard's native village, and the opening of the Center of Culture “Grigore Vieru” in Chisinau.

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