[When asked whether 2010 will be a good year, astrologist Sergiu Sumca chose to answer like a Chinese philosopher. And we enjoyed the answer 'top to toe'... If it happens that you are in a hurry, please find the astrological predictions in the second half of the article.
Sergiu SUMCA
and Info-Prim NEO
Wish you a Happy New Year!]
[Everybody is in keen expectation of a new year], and everybody harbors this pivotal wish in one's mind – “I want presents! I want improvements! {All I want is want, want, want!”}. But people do not realize one simple thing, If you are used to solve a problem in a rigid manner, following cliches, then presents won't come. I'm sure you know the anecdote about the man who prayed zealously to God to win the lottery, but forgot to buy a ticket.
[This year is governed by the White Metal Tiger], who will take office on February 14.
[The Tiger is regarded in the Oriental horoscope as the most potent sign], so this year we should expect not only cosmetic changes, but also {essential, or even radical changes}, from the upper spheres, I mean politics, economy, culture, to interpersonal relations.
[Among the things that will bring good fortune in the Year of the White Tiger] is... guess what color, and number 9, whose representations we can use as talismans.
[The magical plant of the year is hemp] and of course I don't mean smoking it. Everyone in Europe is now mad about hemp apparel – from hats to denims. It's a return to organic stuff...
[Our beloved country], who faces great challenges today, [is Virgo] (August 27) hence all the predictions for {Virgos} are true of her too... There a many people who are discontented about the austere budget policy. I recall my visit to Poland in the late '80, when the Poles were experiencing an extraordinary crisis, there was absolutely nothing on the market shelves! But the government told the Poles they should tighten their belts and in a couple of years they would have everything. And so it happened. {We shouldn't expect any miracle} this year, but it's a pity that the Moldovans often fail to understand things...
[I'd rather not make any political predictions], for example, who's going to be the next president. But I regret very much they didn't ask an astrologist when they held the presidential vote the first and the second time, and, what's worse, the parliamentary poll on April 5. Those where absolutely terrible days astrologically. It's a pity we haven't yet come to understand that we, the humanity, and the cosmic energies are one whole...
[We are all energy batteries]. When you wake up in the morning with the idea of revenging yourself upon your foe, you emanate negative energy into the world. {A quoi bon?...}
[I wouldn't say that the crisis is behind...] The global crisis was triggered by Pluto, the planet of underground riches and big finances, when it entered Capricorn. After it retrograded from Capricorn back into Sagittarius for a while, optimistic voices appeared, some of them even boasting that the crisis hadn't touched them. But before too long Pluto spoiled their cheer, returning into Capricorn and dropping anchor there. So I'm afraid the crisis is not over yet... The solution is to make financial decisions that have coverage. Don't look for immediate lucre and more profit than you can handle...
[Crisis, in Greek, means threshold]. Hold on a minute, traveler, to look back at the road that brought you here. And then go on...
[We call Saturn the Great Evil...] In the European astrology we consider, in the main, two planets that govern a year. {The Great Goodness} is Jupiter, and the sign that it visits is advantaged. But Saturn we call {the Great Evil} and this planet... I don't want to say that it harms us... sometimes we mistakenly call things wrong... when you face hardship, that doesn't mean that God doesn't love you. On the contrary, He shows you love by facing you with some trials, which help you to discover your potential... And so, Saturn helps us to grow spiritually, to accumulate wisdom. In fact, we should say a big thank you to Saturn. Do you know how Saturn in Greek is? It's Chronos, or time. {A very valuable planet}, even though it makes people whine all the time – I'm so tired of having problems again, and again I'm penniless...
[Finally, Saturn stopped bothering] the {Virgos}, the {Geminis}, the {Archers} and the {Pisces}. Boy, it hit them hard! Two and a half years it piled problems upon them, including money problems, health problems, interpersonal misunderstandings. Now they can lick their wounds. But they shouldn't forget that there are lessons to learn from it. They should look back at how they behaved during that period, if they lamented constantly or had the courage to face the hardship discretely. {Saturn categorically doesn't like laments}.
{[Aries]} will have a fifty-fifty year. First of all, they must take care of their health. They should forget the traditional Moldovan rule {„it will eventually pass”} and see a doctor at the first symptom. Special attention must be paid to the bones and teeth. Also, they should be careful with their money and spend it with moderation, because the {Rams} will be influenced in this respect by Pluto, which will be in quadrature with the Aries Sun. So, frugality is advised until next year, when the financial aspect will improve.
{[Tauruses]} will be favored by the stars. Here Jupiter will make a very nice configuration with the Sun. So certain plans that were shelved earlier can be successfully implemented. The financial aspect is also favorable. Particularly auspicious periods will be their month, May, and September, when the most bold plans can be realized. However, they should be take care, until the end of May, of their their health, because in this period Mars crosses the zodiac constellation of {Leo} causing problems, especially health problems, to {the Bulls} as well as to {the Water Bearers} and {Scorpios}.
{[Geminis]}, as I already mentioned, were left in peace by Saturn and now they can breathe easier. Of course, restrictions exist here as well. First of all, they should be mindful at work. Various changes may occur in any field where a {Gemini} would traditionally be employed. However, they categorically must not quit their current job. It's not a good time to say they are bored. I know they had difficult times under Saturn, when they thought they had no solutions or escape. But Saturn, in fact, prepared them during two and a half years to be able to understand their role in whatever field of activity.
{[Cancers]} should put in this year's calendar three exclamation marks near the word diet, because they must pay increased attention to their health, especially the stomach. They also should avoid reckless spending, because Pluto will limit the access to generous sources of profit.
{[Leos]} will have a neutral year. But this means good news, in contrast with the previous year, which was far from being successful, when {Leos} had money problems as well as health problems. Think of this year as a period of respite, which you undoubtedly deserve, dear {Leo}. Don't expect that major plans will be realized.
{[Virgos]} are advised to refrain from seeking the perfect job, overnight riches and major changes, because things could get worse, as the Sun in Virgo opposes Jupiter in Pisces. Like {Geminis}, they should avoid quitting their current job, arguments with the boss, and slammed doors. Just remember Shakespeare's saying about life being a theater. If {Virgos} manage to play their social roles well, they will have a fairly good year.
{[Libra]}, who enjoyed some advantages in 2009, should summon their inner forces for two years of patience, as Saturn has already entered {Libra}, putting small, but frequent brakes. Like in the case of {Aries}, spend with moderation. Try to predict, as if in a game of chess, the future moves, don't let yourself guided by sudden desires.
{[Scorpios]} just like {Leos}, will be able to collect their faculties, after being affected by Jupiter crossing {Aquarius}. Green light in everything! I would have stopped here if I there wasn't a warning to make: they should be mindful, until June, of the so-called {Black Moon}. This false planet, also known as {Lilith}, often puts us in stupid situations, brings temptations on our path, masks ugly things with bright wrapping paper. So be good detectives to discover fakes. It's also the case of {Taurus} and {Leo}.
{[Sagittariuses]} should be careful while abroad. Make sure that your papers are all right before you visit foreign countries, and if you have foreign business partners, also pay great attention to documentation. Spared of the negative influences of Saturn, {Sagittariuses} should nevertheless take care of their liver, which is their weak point.
{[Capricorn]} will only suffer from minor negative influences from Saturn crossing Libra, otherwise plans are easy realizable. You can also put some money aside, because Pluto will be helpful in this case, and make trips to foreign countries. Also, this is a favorable period for academic activities and professional training.
{[Aquarius]}, with Jupiter situated in their sign during 2009, had numerous opportunities to realize their plans in the previous year. This year, they should give other signs the chance. For example, to {Pisces}, who were very affected in 2009.
{[Pisces]}, starting from February-March, their birthdays, have the green light in everything. Good luck! But don't get immodest, because the ungrateful shall not prosper.
[Rat] – It is the case that you take care of your own affairs and don’t interfere with what others do, unless you are requested to.
[Bull] – Hold down your fear. Otherwise, the irritability caused by the fear would not be stopped even by the best matador.
[Tiger] – All the dainties from the horn of plenty belong to you. However, don't get vain. This happens only one time in 12 years.
[Rabbit (Cat)] – You should stoically accept any change. Your revolutionary drives may only harm you.
[Dragon] – This year you are on the roll. Naturally, you should collect the well-deserved harvest.
[Snake] – Radical changes, both good and bad, are waiting for you in all spheres. Courage!
[Horse] – However paradoxical it may sound, the Tiger and the Horse are friends and the former will exempt the latter form some trouble, offering instead, from time to time, a “sack of oats”, which will be highly appreciated in 2011.
[Goat (sheep)] – Please don’t think you are forgotten. It’s just that everybody want to offer you a well-deserved vacation. However, for only one year.
[Monkey] – You should now take over the role of the spectator. The one of the actor will have to be given away for a while. It is hard, but necessary.
[Dog] – Self-sacrifice is not always pleasant, but it is necessary now, because this is the way you earn the compensations you deserve.
[Rooster] – If you feel out of sorts, change the sea for the river, and vice-a-versa. Thus, all the difficulties will only benefit you.
[Boar] – The future doesn’t necessarily mean tomorrow, but rather much earlier. Live today better and then the edifice of the future will meet or the superlatives of the harmony.