19th contingent of Moldovan peacekeepers returns from Kosovo

The soldiers of the 19th contingent of the National Army involved in the KFOR peacekeeping operation ended their mission in Kosovo. On the occasion of the return, a ceremony was organized at Military Camp No. 142. Minister of Defense Anatolie Nosatyi highly appreciated the professionalism of the Moldovan contingent in the area of responsibility within the West Regional Command. At the event, peacekeepers were awarded diplomas and medals for their excellent performance during their mandate, IPN reports.

For six months, the 41 soldiers carried out missions to guard and protect infrastructure facilities of strategic importance, to ensure the security of the Camp Vilaggio Italia base, including the Visoki Dečani Monastery, being also engaged in engineering research and detection of explosive devices in the area of responsibility.

Moldovan peacekeepers have taken part in the KFOR peacekeeping mission since 2014. Recently, the National Army deployed the 20th contingent of peacekeepers to the KFOR peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.

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