190 young people from Moldova to take part in program in Romania

Young people from Moldova will be able to participate in the camps program “ARC Toamna 2015”.  Romanian Minister of Youth and Sport Gabriela Szabo and Minister Delegate for Relations with Romanians Abroad Angel Tilvar signed the protocol of cooperation in the implementation of the camps program “ARC Toamna 2015”, which is intended for Moldovan young people, IPN reports.

The protocol is a first step taken by the ministers of youth and sport of Moldova and Romania in the youth area. Thus, the camps program will involve 190 young Moldovans – students of colleges and vocational schools - and accompanying teachers. It will take place at the recreational centers in Muncel and Codrii de Arama between October 27 and November 1, 2015.

The program “ARC” was initiated in the 1990s. In 2009 – 2012, it was implemented in cooperation with the National Authority for Sports and Youth, while since 2013 until now – in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sport. The camps organized within this program involved about 2,000 ethnic Romanians from abroad.

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