19 years since Russia imposed ban on wine imports: How Moldova turned crisis into opportunity

Nineteen years ago, on March 27, 2006, the Russian Federation imposed the first ban on the import of wines from the Republic of Moldova, citing reasons related to their quality. That decision by Russia, which at that time was the main market for Moldovan wines, had a catastrophic effect on the wine sector. In the year the ban was imposed, Moldovan wine exports halved, IPN reports.

WatchDog.MD expert Andrei Curăraru believes that this ban was not only a trade measure, but also a political reaction of Moscow to Chisinau's critical position regarding Russia's presence in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova and the increasingly close relations with the European Union.

"The embargo led to a decrease in wine production and seriously affected the economy, but also led to the political humiliation of Moldova, which did not have effective responses," said Andrei Curăraru.

According to the expert, after Russia repeated the blockade in 2013, Moldova learned that economic dependence on a single market is a political weakness.

In the years that followed, the embargo forced Moldova's wine industry to adapt. With the support of the European Union and other international organizations, Moldovan winemakers started to invest in quality and diversify their export markets.

The national brand "Wine of Moldova" was created to promote wines internationally, and investments in modern technologies increased the competitiveness of Moldovan products.

If in 2005, 80-90% of the wine exports went to Russia, but today the share of this market decreased to only 7%, according to bani.md.

On the other hand, the European Union became the main destination, with 60% of the total exports, and Moldovan wines now reach the shelves of 75 countries.

WatchDog.MD expert Andrei Curăraru noted that Moldova's wine industry proved that it can adapt and prosper even in the face of foreign pressure.

"The Moldovan wine, which is now awarded internationally, is proof that Moldova managed to turn vulnerability into opportunity and gain respect on global markets," concluded the expert.

The embargoes imposed by Russia made the Republic of Moldova diversify its markets. Statistical data show that today the Republic of Moldova is the 20th largest wine producer and the 14th largest wine exporter in the world, ranking 8th in wine production per capita.

This year, the Republic of Moldova is the capital of wine and on June 16-20, it will host the 46th World Congress and the 23rd General Assembly of the International Organization of Vine and Wine.

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