18 candidates for National Journalistic Ethics and Deontology Award 2021

The Press Council has announced the second stage of the contest for the National Journalistic Ethics and Deontology Award 2021. Thirteen editorial staffs and five journalists were admitted to the contest. By October 3, the public can vote for the preferred candidates through the platform www.mediaforum.md. The public’s vote is recommendatory in character and will represent 25% of the cumulative vote of the public, experts and members of the Press Council, IPN reports.

The National Journalistic Ethics and Deontology Award was instituted by the Press Council of the Republic of Moldova in 2015 to promote ethical journalism and to recognize the merits of media professionals in the field.

By September 20, 2021, the editorial boards of Moldova could field themselves for the award or could propose employees. Candidates could also be suggested by media consumers, institutions, organizations, companies, public associations and a group of experts constituted by the Press Council.

The 13 media outlets admitted to the contest are:

Agora.md, news portal
Diez.md, news portal
Ekomomiceskoe obozrenie/Logos press, weekly
GRT, regional TV channel (Comrat)
IPN, news agency
Moldova.org, news portal
Mold-street.com, news portal
Nokta.md, regional news portal (Comrat)
Nordnews.md, regional news portal (Bălți)
Oamenisikilometri, portal
Radio Chişinău, radio station
Sanatateinfo.md, news portal
TVR Moldova, TV channel.

The admitted journalists are:

Ludmila Barbă (Teleradio Moldova Company)
Liliana Barbăroșie (Radio Free Europe)
Vitalie Călugăreanu (Jurnal TV)
Eugenia Crețu (Radio Free Europe)
Victor Moșneag (Ziarul de Gardă).

The second stage of the contest consists in monitoring and scoring and will last until October 31. Each media consumer can give by ten points weekly from a computer to the candidates through the online platform www.mediaforum.md. The public vote will constitute 25% of the total number of votes. 75% of the votes will represent the vote of a group of experts and members of the Press Council.

After October 31, the Press Council will determine the score obtained by the competitors from the public, experts and members of the Press Council and will publish the list of finalists. The award will be handed over at the Media Forum 2022 that will take place at the end of November.

The Council can decide not to confer the Award if it considers that none of the candidates deserves it.

The National Journalistic Ethics and Deontology Award is provided with the assistance of the Media Program of Soros Foundation Moldova.

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