17m lei in ecological tax collected into national public budget

The ecological tax so far this year has brought 17 million lei into the national public budget. The environmental tax accounts for 12 million lei of this sum, while 5 million lei was collected for emissions and discharges of pollutants and waste storage, IPN has learned from the State Tax Service.

The environmental tax is paid by legal entities, regardless of the type of ownership and legal form of organization. It is also paid by private individuals who carry out entrepreneurial activities and who produce, import or purchase goods in plastic packing from business entities operating in Moldova that do not have fiscal relations with the national budget system. It is about products in non-corrugated cardboard, with or without aluminum foil or polyethylene.

The taxpayers served by the State Main Tax Inspectorate in Chisinau municipality and the General Large Taxpayer Administration Division are the highest in number among those who submitted reports on the ecological tax for the first fiscal period.

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