16,700 electors expected to vote on May 18. Elections in six villages

A total of 16,757 voters are expected to go to the polls on May 18, when new elections will take place in six localities, the Central Election Commission said.

The elections will be held in Călugăr and Telemeuți in Floresti district, Chiperceni in Orhei district, Talmaza in Stefan Voda district, Boldurești in Nisporeni district and Tabani in Briceni district.

The largest community with the right to vote is in the village of Talmaza, where 5,821 voters are registered, and the smallest community is in Telemeuti, with 837 citizens eligible to vote.

Under the Electoral Code, the people who established their domicile in one of these localities after February 18 will not be able to vote because the law provides that, in the case of local elections, the domicile or residence must have been registered at least three months before the first round of voting.

New elections are held in these localities because the posts of mayor were vacated or the local councils were dissolved.

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