12 companies with foreign capital on list of projects of national importance

Twelve companies with foreign capital operating in Moldova were put on the list of investment projects of national importance. In practice, this means that the given companies will benefit from authorities’ assistance in eliminating bureaucratic deficiencies when applying for permissive documents or when dealing with conflicts related to the interpretation of the legislation. The decision was taken by the Council for the Promotion of Investment Projects of National Importance in a meeting on April 26, IPN reports.

Among the selected companies are “Draexlmaier Automotive” of Balti municipality, “La Trivineta Cavi Development” of Straseni, “Fujikura Automotive” of Chisinau and “Euro Yarns” of Ungheni.  The full list can be found on the websites of the Government and the Moldovan Investment Attraction and Expert Promotion Organization.

To be included in this list, the company must have an investment volume of over US$ 1 million, provide a significant number of jobs, implement a unique project in Moldova, use innovative technologies and equipment and produce goods and services intended for export.

The Council for the Promotion of Investment Projects of National Importance was constituted last May and is chaired by Prime Minister Pavel Filip. It consists of managers of ministries and agencies with which investors interact.

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