
Vasile Bumacov: Only agents of influence “believe” famine wasn’t organized


It is useless to wonder if the famine of 1946 – 1947 was organized or not. “Those who can say yet that the famine in the Republic of Moldova wasn’t organized are the agents of influence...Even if so many documents were presented today,” doctor habilitate of technical sciences Vasile Bumacov, ex-minister of agriculture and former ambassador to Japan, stated in a public debate hosted by IPN News Agency.

Speaking about the propaganda that daily revives the chimeras of the past, Vasile Bumacov mentioned World War II. “The people continue to believe that this war was won by the Soviet Union. But this is a big lie. Without the support of the United State, he UK, this war wouldn’t have had that ending. No one from the Red Square ever thanked the United States for giving us hundreds of thousands of trucks, tanks, planes... Our parents who fought on the front ate food and wore clothes provided by the Americans. The aluminum at plants, the gasoline in planes came from the United States,” he said.

However, the propaganda imbedded the false idea that the USSR was a strong state, but this colossus was actually on clay legs and collapsed immediately after reducing repression. Nostalgia for the past is also due to the removal of the local elites by deportation, by jailing and shooting. Those who compiled the deportation lists and later their children rook the place of these, said Vasile Bumacov.

He noted that stealing was another component of the “earlier good times”. In normal societies, stealing from the public property was bad, while in the USSR this was considered a virtue. The honest people who were unable to steal or to lie about possession of wheat for the state reserve died from famine. Those who survived owing to shrewd guys drew the conclusion that being honest is not appropriate for “this society”.

To put things right, more attention should be deported to the training of the young generation. “I taught lessons at the faculty. About 20 years since the declaring of Independence passed and teachers came and related how well it was in the USSR. The things that entered the head during the period of youth remain there. Education based on historical truth, on correct social principles would change many things. We speak about 30 years of Independence, but we should not forget that we also had a communist regime, a socialist regime in power meanwhile. I see how the Ukrainians fight against their agents of influence. In our country, nothing is done in this regard,” stated the former ambassador.

The public debate “Was famine of MSSR of 1946-1947 organized or not? Could and wanted Soviet authorities to prevent devastating effects of this?” was the second installment of the series “100 years of USSR and 31 years without USSR: Nostalgia for Chimeras” that was staged by IPN News Agency with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation.