
Persons accused of obtaining false diplomas seek apologies from Socialists


Six healthcare workers about whom Socialist MPs Vladimir Odnostalco and Alla Darovannya said that they received false master’s diplomas, alongside presidential adviser Ala Nemerenco, disseminated a public letter by which they ask that these should apologize publicly for their direct attack on image, honor and dignity or they will go to court to defend their personal and professional honor and dignity. The letter was signed by Oleg Lozan, Mihai Ciocanu, Valeriu Sava, Svetlana Stefăneț, Pavel Ursu and Viorel Soltan, IPN reports.  

The letter says that none of the mentioned persons would have accepted a false diploma as all their work focused on the reformation, organization and modernization of the public health system in the Republic of Moldova. This way, the diplomas of master in public health management that were issued in November 2007 fully correspond to the legislation that was effective in that period. When the post-university education system was being aligned with the Bologna Process, the then professional master’s programs weren’t in the competence of the Ministry of Education. Under the law, these were managed by the responsible ministries. This fact is clearly specified in the recent letter presented by the Ministry of Health at the request of one of the two MPs.

According to the authors, the Socialist MPs attacked both the University of Medicine and the health system of the Republic of Moldova in general when they said that the given persons do not have the right, including the moral one, to teach at the School of Public Health Management. But they completed their university and post-university medical studies long before 2007, even before 1989, and some of them defended their dissertations outside the borders of the then MSSR and obtained the title of doctor of medical sciences. Others taught at the Institute of Medicine during many years.

The diploma of master in public health management is one of the numerous diplomas won by this team in Moldova and abroad. Also, namely the signatories of the letter founded the School of Public Health Management and helped this develop and become renowned internationally by their knowledge and experience. Through their calumnious statements, the MP refer to about 400 graduates of this school who now serve as hospital directors, ministry and state agency functionaries and international consultants on global public health issues.

Socialist MPs Vladimir Odnostalco and Alla Darovannya in a news conference accused adviser Ala Nemerenco and another six Moldovan citizens of receiving a master’s diploma from the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy without taking admission exams, without taking part in lectures and without defending a master’s dissertation, based on an order issued by the Ministry of Health.