
NGOs encourage appointment of Maia Sandu as Premier


The Liberal Democratic Party’s candidate for premiership Maia Sandu is supported by a number of civil society organizations and platforms. In a news conference at IPN, representatives of civil society said the newly formed alliance should promote as many women in the Cabinet as possible as these are more honest than the men, according to analyses of the candidates from party lists.

Civil society asks the politicians who negotiate the formation of a new Government to ensure the functionality of all the state institutions and to fulfill the assumed commitments. Antonita Fonari, deputy head of the National Participation Council, said that Maia Sandu is a suitable candidate for premiership and the future Cabinet should include more women al least because the level of corruption in the countries managed by women is much lower or practically inexistent.

Valentina Bodrug-Lungu, head of the Platform for Gender Equality, said the promotion of gender equality is not a whim of civil society, but an imperative for developing society. The politicians must understand that the power is legitimate if it represents both of the genders. In Moldova, few women hold seats in the Government, Parliament and the local public administration. The politicians are now able to show civic position and name a woman as Premier and as many women as possible as ministers.

Andrei Brighidin, of East Europe Foundation, said that during the first 100 days the new alliance should adopt the initiatives on which civil society insisted during many years, such as regulations for implementing the 2% law. Among other priorities are to ensure the representation of women in government and media ownership transparently.

Olga Bitca, head of the Anticorruption Alliance, said the integrity of the administration of the future government and its members is very important as a Government with integrity-related problems failed not long ago. Civil society insists that more honest and reliable women should be named in the Cabinet.

Ghenadie Turcanu, deputy head of the NGO Council, said he is for voting in Maia Sandu as Premier, noting it is very important that the person holding this post should not be a simple marionette.