
Zinaida Greceanîi: The prosperity of the citizens must be the common ground that unites us


"In 28 years of independence, the Republic of Moldova has experienced periods of development, but also periods of stagnation or even regress. Unfortunately, the stagnation and regression periods were quite frequent and this did not allow us to continuously develop and reach a high standard of living for citizens. The prosperity of the citizens must be the common ground that unites us all, the entire society”, says the President of Parliament, Zinaida Greceanîi, on the 28th anniversary of Independence Day.

In her opinion, everyone needs to understand that only united can we achieve great and beautiful things. “The years after the declaration of independence offer us several examples of what happens when society is divided. Therefore, we must do our best to maintain stability, because only under conditions of stability will we be able to build a strong state, which provides a high level of prosperity. This would allow us to report better results at following independence anniversaries”, claims Zinaida Greceanîi.

As for what has not been achieved, the president of the legislature says that "as a state, as a people, we weren't able to identify a common set of values and goals that would not change with the change of government, but which would be continuously implemented, day by day, each year". "There are many things that can unite us all, regardless of political, geopolitical views, etc. If our common values and goals would have been placed front and center, then we would have achieved a much higher standard of living and we would have had a much stronger and developed state and society”, said the politician.

According to Zinaida Greceanîi, despite various challenges, the most important achievement since the declaration of independence is maintaining our statehood. "All actions aimed at building the powerful state, that we have already mentioned, stem from statehood", said Zinaida Greceanii.

The Speaker urges citizens to believe in the country's future. “First of all, I would like to congratulate the citizens with Independence Day. Secondly, I would like to urge them to believe in the future of their country, the Republic of Moldova. Everything is possible. All you have to do is to correctly set priorities and to work towards them. And then everything will be fine", said Zinaida Greceanii.

Note: The IPN news agency asked to speak Prime Minister Maia Sandu, President Igor Dodon and Interim President of the Democratic Party, former Prime Minister Pavel Filip on the eve of the 28th anniversary of Independence Day.


On August 27, 1991, 28 years ago, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova adopted the Declaration of Independence, a document signed by 278 deputies. The yearly celebration of this founding act is marked as Independence Day. The original Declaration burned during the 2009 protests in Chisinau, but was recreated in 2010.