Twenty-five persons from all over the country will be able to take part in the first Youth Worker Academy. The project is implemented by the National Youth Councilor of Moldova (CNTM) and the Ministry of Youth and Sport. The contest to select the participants in the first edition of the project was launched on October 18. The information was made public by the organizers in a news conference at IPN.
CNTM chairman Doru Curosu said they want the project to become a traditional one and to be held two times a year. The Academy will train specialists in the youth sector and will actively promote the youth policies.
Deputy Minister of Youth and Sport Sergiu Stanciu told the journalists that specialists of the Ministry will become involved in the project to offer expertise and to monitor its implementation. The first project is a pilot one. Its format may be later changed so as to involve more participants.
Sergiu Stanciu said the youth workers in Moldova do not have a communication platform. He voiced hope such a platform will appear after the implementation of the project. The Academy is open for everyone, including applicants from Transnistria.
Project coordinator Ana Ganenco said the application forms are available on the websites of the CNTM and the Ministry of Youth and Sport. The applicants must attach a CV to the form. The deadline for submissions is October 30.
The project that will be implemented between October 2013 and January 2014 will include training seminars on the work with young people, strengthening and promotion of youth policies. A fact-finding visit will be paid to Romania in December. At the next editions of the project, trainers will be those who graduated from the first Academies.
The organizers said that Moldova is vitally in need of youth workers as the authorities adopt policies in the field, but there is no staff to implement them at national level.