
Youth Summer School “Dniester-2022” as a pillar for building confidence between two river banks


“We aim to ensure a climate of security and tolerance among the people who live in the basin of the Nistru River,” said representatives of “Eco-Tiras” Association who set the goal of offering the young generation useful information about the state of the Nistru (Dniester) and to build a friendly climate between young people from the right side of the river and those from the Transnistrian region through the agency of a summer school. The organizers of the Youth Summer School “Dniester-2022” said they want to contribute to bringing up a generation for which the environmental issues are a priority.

The 14th Youth Summer School “Dniester-2022” was attended by 70 young people (aged 15-21), with an equal representation of the left and right banks. It was organized by the International Association of River Keepers “Eco-Tiras” from July 8 to 17, 2022, in the Village of Molovata Noua, Dubasari district, on the left bank of the Dniester River.

“The summer school of “Eco-Tiras” has been annually held for 14 years. We consider the informing and interest of the young generation in ecological problems are very important in this era of climate change, in connection with the European integration of the Republic of Moldova. It is important to keep the environment for the current and next generations. For the purpose, we have organized summer schools. We pay special attention to the development of civic spirit among the young generation. We want active citizens who are not indifferent to the government’s actions and who are able not only to criticize, but to also suggest solutions,” the executive director of the International Association of River Keepers “Eco-Tiras” Ilya Trombitsky stated in a news conference at IPN.

The main objective of the summer school is to offer the participants relevant knowledge about the state of the River and its basin, special attention being devoted to the pollution of the Nistru and the Black Sea. Furthermore, the summer school included actions to clean the Nistru basin and thematic excursions.

“We work not only to signal environmental issues, but to also ensure a climate of security and tolerance among the people who live in the basin of the Nistru River. The Summer School “Dniester-2022” is one of the pillars of the project to build confidence between the two banks. Young people from both banks of the Nistru are invited – by 35 persons from each bank, and the experts are also from the two banks. This was the 14th school. The participants in this school study not only ecology, geography, history as there are held many creative events, trips. This year we visited Orheiul Vechi,” said the school’s head Tatiana Sineaeva.

The 14th Youth Summer School “Dniester-2022” was financially supported by the UNDP Moldova Confidence Building Program under the “Environmental Platform” project and the project of the German Environment Agency “CapaMol” through the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues (Berlin).

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