
Young specialists in Chisinau to get compensation for apartment rent


The young public sector employees who have worked for less than three years in the sector will get compensation to pay the apartment rent in the amount of 2,000 lei a month, in accordance with the regulations approved by the Chisinau Municipal Council, IPN reports.

The young specialist who wants to benefit from such support needs to inform the administration of the entity, subdivision or enterprise where an expert five-member commission will be set up to examine the documents that will be presented by the employee, explained Vasile Chirilescu, head of the Chisinau Public Relations and Civil Budget Division.

The person needs to submit an application addressed to the unit’s manager, a certificate issued by the local cadastral body showing that the person does not own a dwelling, a copy of the graduation diploma, a copy of the lease. The full list of documents is available on the Chisinau City Hall’s website.

The compensation is paid for the period between October 1 and December 31. The payment will be stopped when the labor relations are ended in the cases stipulated by the legislation, when the person would have worked for three years in the sector or when this presents documents showing ownership over a dwelling situated in the municipality of Chisinau.