
Young people seek legal action against Minister Efrim


A group of young people who created a new political party called the Young Generation requested the Prosecutor General’s Office to start a criminal case against Minister of Justice Oleg Efrim. In a news conference at IPN, the leader of the initiative group Andrei Donica said the current administration of the Ministry makes everything possible to prevent the registration of the party so that it is unable to take part in the next parliamentary elections, IPN reports.

“The Ministry of Justice is managed by a mafiotic group, by bandits who hold power tightly as they are afraid that another, younger generation may come to power to reveal the truth,” stated Andrei Donica. He related that last September he filed an application to the Ministry of Justice, asking registering the Young Generation Party, but his request was rejected. The Ministry agued that there is a party with a similar name in Moldova.

Last December, the initiative group proposed a number of names, including the New Generation and the New Generation of Moldova, but none was accepted. In the fifth application to the Ministry, the young people asked registering the Liberal Democratic Reforming Party. The Ministry of Justice rejected this name too, explaining a Moldovan party has a similar name.

Andrei Donica said that in such a case, the Liberal Reforming Party should be struck off the State Register of Noncommercial Organizations as there is a party with a similar name - the Liberal Party. The leader of the Liberal Reforming Party Ion Hadarca registered the party in only 15 days. “One should offer millions of lei to have a party registered today,” stated Donica.

As many as 4,000 signatures should be collected for a political party to be registered. Andrei Donica said they already collected these signatures.

Contacted by IPN, Olga Cebanu, press officer of the Ministry of Justice, said that Oleg Efrim will not comment on the accusations made against him in the news conference.