Young Lib-Dems flashmob against delaying signing Minor Border Traffic Convention with Romania
Young Liberal-Democrats staged a flashmob in front of the Foreign Ministry on Thursday with the slogan: “Yes to the Convention!”, calling for speeding up the signing of the Convention on minor frontier traffic with Romania, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Posters in their hands, red ribbons on their mouths and legs, the young politicians have expressed their disagreement with the delay in the signing of the document, saying the red tapes symbolize the Communist censorship.
According to the president of the Chisinau branch of the Youth Organization of the Liberal-Democratic Party (PLDM), Vadim Antoni, the action is to show the PLDM goes on fighting to determine the government to take into account the wish of the whole society and to sign the Minor Border Traffic Convention.
“We'll tear off this barbed wire and we'll have the document signed,” said Nighina Azizov, a PDLM participant in the protest action. In her opinion, the authorities have censored the right to free expression, depriving the Moldovans from the right to free movement.
The draft Convention on the minor traffic border was offered by the Romanian Government to its Moldovan counterparts on March 25, 2008. The draft provides that the Moldovan residents living at a 30-km distance from the Romanian border may be allowed to travel to Romania without visas, only with a special permit.