
“You can stop corruption!” campaign launched


Every Moldovan citizen can have a say in countering corruption. This is the main idea of the nationwide information campaign entitled “You can stop corruption” which will be held across Moldova until February 2009, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the secretary of the Anti-Corruption Alliance, Mircea Esanu, the anti-corruption informational campaign will facilitate the access of the society to information on corruption and the methods for countering this phenomenon. For this purpose, 200 informative boards will be installed in different public institutions. The organizers will also print posters and booklets, as well as broadcast radio and TV programs. Any citizen will be able to call a hotline and receive free assistance from public institutions or independent lawyers concerning corruption cases. The population is not aware of the risks connected to corruption and the eventual protection against them, the quoted source asserts. The director of the Academy for Educational Development (AED), Sharon Van Pelt, mentioned that the results of the information campaign are to be identified by both quantitative and qualitative instruments. Transparency International will conduct a public survey. “Parc Communications” Public Relations Agency will collect the data which will illustrate at what stage is Moldova situated in solving its corruption problems. The organizers also intend to find out the attitude of the society regarding this social phenomenon. In order to cooperate efficiently in the fight against corruption, the Anti-Corruption Alliance signed an agreement with the representatives of the government. The cost of the information campaign is estimated at 90,000 USD. “You can stop corruption” Information Campaign is part of the Strengthen the Monitoring Capacity of Moldovan Civil Society and Mass Media Program, financed by the US Government through the Millennium Challenge Corporation. The Anti-Corruption Alliance is a union of 30 Moldovan NGOs, operating in different areas including public policies, law, democratic institutions and others. Some of its members are Transparency International Moldova, Eurasia Foundation, ABA/CEELI, the Institute for Public Policy etc.