
Writer Petru Cărare died


Poet, prose writer, dramaturg and translator Petru Cărare died at the age of 84. “We express our respect for the great writer of the satirical and humoristic genre of our nation, Petru Cărare, who dedicated his whole life to the national values and literature. His name is associated with epigram and parody,” says an obituary signed by Prime Minister Pavel Filip, Minister of Education, Culture and Research Monica Babuc, president of the Academy of Sciences Ion Tighineanu and president of the Writers Union Arcadie Suceveanu, IPN reports.

Petru Cărare was born in Zaim village of Căușeni district on February 12,1935. In 1953, he graduated from the secondary school in Căușeni, having master Ion Ungureanu as a classmate. In 1956, he completed courses at the faculty of journalism of the Central Comsomolist School of Moscow. When he returned to Chisinau, he refused to cooperate with the newspaper “Young Leninist” and starts work as a translator and serial novel writer at the paper “Kolkhoz Worker of Moldova”. In 1969, he finished Higher Literature Courses at the Moscow Institute of Literature “M. Gorki”.

In 1959, he started his editorial activity at “Moldovan Book” with a translation of the volume “Poems” by Heinrich Heine. He was later “exiled” to Telenești for his activities and his works remained in the focus of Soviet censorship. Despite the suppression to which he was subject during his career, Petru Cărare continued to publish, including children’s books. His works contributed considerably to the education of the young generation in the spirit of the national and general human values.

He was conferred the medal “Mihai Eminescu”, the honorific title “Master of Literature”, the National Literature Award and is a knight of the Order of the Republic.