
Writer and publicist Vlad Pohilă died


Man of culture, writer and publicist Vlad Vlad Pohilă, a knight of the Order of the Republic, died at the age of 67. “One of the last titans of the national renaissance, Vlad Pohilă was not only a linguist and writer of international fame, but also a versed buff of the history of culture and arts, an exceptional journalist and translator, a famous figure of the Bessarabian culture who made a life ideal of the fight for the Romanian language,” says the obituary signed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, which is quoted by IPN.

The name of Vlad Pohilă is associated with the history of the most select periodicals of the country, starting with the Nation’s Voice of the period of the fight for the independence and ending with the publications of the National Library and the National Museum of History of Moldova.

Vlad Pohilă was born in Putinești village of Florești district on Aprils 6, 1953. He got a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the State University of Moldova in 1975. He studied the art of museums and arts in Moscow in 1976 and followed doctoral studies at the Language and Literature Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Chisinau in 1983-1987. Vlad Pohilă was named the best journalist of Moldova in 2000 and 2003. He was a member of the Writers Union of Moldova.