
World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on March 21


Every year on March 21, World Down Syndrome Day is marked to raise awareness and promote inclusion of people born with this genetic condition. The authorities note that this day is an opportunity to promote the inclusion and rights of people living with this syndrome, IPN reports.

The Ministry of Health said that Down syndrome is not a disease, but is a genetic difference. A person with this syndrome has an extra copy of chromosome 21 - 47 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the World Health Organization, one in a thousand newborns is diagnosed with this genetic condition worldwide.

Down syndrome can be detected through prenatal examinations, such as biochemical screening in pregnant women (double test, triple test), performed on the doctor's recommendation.

The Ministry of Health said that in Moldova, the children with Down syndrome benefit from psychoverbal and motor rehabilitation services at the Mother and Child Institute, the National Center for the Rehabilitation for Children, Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1 and in all the family doctors centers that have specialists in rehabilitation and early intervention services.

When they turn 18, the persons with Down syndrome benefit from a series of services, such as evaluation within a multidisciplinary team, consultation and supervision by various specialists – rehabilitologist, pediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist, psychiatrist, functional medicine practitioner and psychotherapist. Among the services that are also offered to them are physiotherapy, hydrokinetotherapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy (electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, etc.), thermotherapy, sessions with the psychologist, speech therapist and psychopedagogue; behavioral therapy, social assistance.

"Today and every day, let's be more attentive to the difficulties faced by people with Down syndrome and their families," urge the authorities.

In 2006, the Down Syndrome International decided to officially mark the day dedicated to Down Syndrome on March 21. Five years later, on December 19, 2011, the UN General Assembly declared March 21 World Down Syndrome Day.