
Working group set up to reform prosecution service


The Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor General’s Office constituted a working group that will draft a bill for reforming the prosecution service. By end-September, the group is to submit a bill with the proposed legislative amendments. The announcement was made by Prosecutor General Corneliu Gurin and Minister of Justice Oleg Efrim in a press briefing, IPN reports.

On July 11, the two officials signed an order to create the working group. It includes representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Ministry of Justice and EU advisers. There will be also invited observers from the OSCE, the Council of Europe, and the United States.

Amendments are to be proposed as regards the appointment and dismissal of the prosecutor general so as to eliminate the political pressure exerted on him. The immunity of prosecutors will be reviewed. The rough bill will be ready in a month.

“This is for the first time that we have such a form of cooperation. We created an interinstitutional group,” said Minister of Justice Oleg Efrim. He also said that a number of international organizations will be consulted while the bill will be drafted as Moldova is still monitored by the Council of Europe because it has an unreformed prosecution service.

The working group will be led by a representative of civil society – the head of the Legal Resources Center Vlad Gribincea.

The authorities are in the process of planning the budget needed for implementing the actions in 2014. A sum of about 16 million lei is needed for the purpose.