
Women’s involvement in decision making represents precondition for democracy, opinions


The active involvement of women in the public life and in the decision making process is a precondition for the development of democracy in Moldova. Currently, owing to the legislative shortcomings and lack of political will, gender equality cannot be ensured, consider representatives of the public association “Honor and Right of Contemporary Woman”. According to them, there is now an urgent necessity of promoting women in the social, political and economic life.

In a news conference at IPN on January 28, the Association’s head Olga Patlati said it is very important to continue to promote gender equality in society, by different activities, because these prove their efficiency. After the implementation of the project “Gender equality – chance for developing democracy in the Republic of Moldova”, which was aimed at supporting women in the campaign prior to the local elections, of the about 100 beneficiaries, nine became mayors, while over 20 occupied the post of councilor at mayor’s offices in central and northern Moldova.

Olga Patlati said the women engaged in the project took part in many activities, such as roundtable meetings, training seminars and debates. They were encouraged to become actively involved in the public and political life, were assisted by specialists in communication and psychologists and learned different communication techniques.

The head of the public association “Gender-Centru” Valentina Bodrug-Lungu said that there are yet problems related to ensuring of gender equality in the public and political life. “Regretfully, Parliament hasn’t yet adopted Law No.180, which institutes gender quotas. We repeatedly called on Parliament and Government to promote more women to decisional positions, but we now see regression. The new Cabinet includes only four women, as opposed to five women in the previous Government,” she stated, noting that there are only two women serving as Moldova’s ambassadors.

One of the project beneficiaries Feodosia Bunescu, who became mayor in Bahrinesti village of Floresti district, said that gender equality in their local council is respected, the number of women and men there being equal. She called on the women to acquire education of a high quality and to become actively involved in the public life. “The women represent more than half of Moldova’s population and should hold at least 50% of the executive posts in the local and central public administrator,” stated Feodosia Bunescu.

The project “Gender equality – chance for developing democracy in the Republic of Moldova” was financially supported by the U.S. Embassy in Moldova.