
William Hill notes positive evolutions in the settlement process of the Transnistrian conflict


The head of OSCE Mission to Moldova, William Hill, notes that, along his activity in Moldova, a positive evolution in the settlement process of the Transnistrian conflict was made. The official made this remark within the meeting with the chairman of the Parliament, Marian Lupu, according to a press release of the Parliament. Hill hopes that the parliamentary cooperation with OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will be continued. Marian Lupu thanked, on his and Parliament’s behalf the head of OSCE Mission to Moldova for the activity performed along his mandate. According to the speaker, William Hill had a difficult mandate especially on the settling process of the Transnistrian conflict. However, Parliament’s chairman appreciated highly the activity of OSCE Mission regarding the identification of a peaceful solution to the Transnistrian conflict, mentioning especially the benefic effects of internationalizing the Transnistrian conflict. As well they have discussed the the intention of the separatist authorities from Tiraspol to organize in September 2006 the referendum in Eastern districts of Moldova. Both parts stated that, even if the results of the referendum will not be recognized by authorities of Chisinau or the international bodies; certain tensioning in the region are possible. In this sense, they declared in favor of maintaining political stability and avoiding the provocative actions. The meeting was organized on the occasion of Hill’s mandate ending in Moldova. William Hill, American by birth has worked as head of OSCE Mission to Moldova for two mandates. Few weeks ago, the President of the Republic of Moldova Vladimir Voronin offered him the "Order of Honor", "for special merits in developing the cooperation between OSCE and Moldova, significant contribution to strengthening the regional stability and security". William Hill will be replaced by another American - Louis O’Neil.