
We witness again duality in external policy, analyst


Political analyst Victor Ciobanu considers we witness again duality in the foreign policy, materialized in the two poles of power in the Republic of Moldova. On the one hand, there is a ruling alliance that declares itself pro-European. On the other hand, there is President Igor Dodon, who openly declares himself pro-Russian. Earlier, the governments tried to simultaneously pursue these policies – to the East and the West. The analyst made such statements in an interview for Radio Free Europe, quoted by IPN.

Victor Ciobanu believes the Republic of Moldova continues to stagnate. The government is trying to attribute very big results to itself and Prime Minister Pavel Filip’s report confirmed this, but the economic indicators actually show stagnation, if not the degradation of the current pro-European course. On the one hand, Igor Dodon profits from this situation and say that if they go to the opposite direction, which is to the East, the results will be spectacular. This is not true and this was evident following his recent visit to Moscow.

“No problem can be solved very easily, including those that were probably planned to be solved from the start, like the problem of migrants, for example. An exception will not be made for the Republic of Moldova only as the number of migrants from other CIS states is much larger. This problem will be probably solved with the gradual resumption of exports, but this will take time,” stated the analyst.

According to him, this duality in foreign policy represents an absolutely virtual game that consists of statements only as nothing can follow. “There is no consistent mechanism for ensuring our integration into this Eurasian Union and I think we will see this soon. Dodon probably understands that this is a game that will ultimately end and he will then have to modify his speech. We will see what he declares in Brussels, which he intends to visit after Moscow,” said Victor Ciobanu.

He also said the imitations of the current government are visible and this focuses more on PR than on good reforms. The unblocking of external financing can be considered a result, but, if we remember the previous successes and the results of 2015, these apparently large sums coming from the EU are absolutely paltry compared with the money that this government not lost, but simply appropriated.