Water withdraws in Camenca, yet villages remain under water
The Nistru's level in the areas of Camenca and Rabnita towns reaches 11.92 m, compared to the critical edge of 12.44 m. The situation is getting normal, as the water started to withdraw in Camenca. The Transnistrian authorities announce that 59 houses were flooded in that town. Rascov village was hit the most, as 30 households lived in by 415 people were flooded, Info-Prim Neo's correspondent in the area reports.
Water is released from the Dubasari pool, as the level is 27 m, the critical edge being 30. Children from a resort in the area and 18 locals have been evacuated. The disabled were taken to a town hospital.
The freshet is hitting Slobozia district and Bender town. Hundreds of houses in Parcani village remain in water. People complain of not being helped to reach safer places. Merenesti village is in water as all its inhabitants have been evacuated. The water has risen 1 m in the area for the last 24 last.
Tiraspol is threatened to be flooded.
1,500 people, militsia and rescuers are involved in rescuing operations.