Water decreases in Stanca-Costesti reservoir
The water level in the Stanca-Costesti pool reached 98.13 m compared to the Baltic Sea level at 8.00 on Thursday, after controlled releases were operated on Wednesday at a speed of 1,400-1,500 cubic meters a second, twice the volume of previous days. The critical level is 99.6 m.
Asked by Info-Prim Neo, an official from Apele Moldovei state agency, Ivan Cucenic, says now 850 – 1,200 cubic meters of water are released every second. The situation at the pool is getting normal. Now the water rises 2-3 cm an hour, that is 5 times less than the past days. The water has surged with 0.5 -1 m below the Costesti reservoir and will do so till Friday. People and their belongings have been evacuated.
The situation is not so critical on the Nistru. The water is decreasing. The Dubasari pool got the largest freshet of 3,300-3,600 cubic meters/sec. on Tuesday evening. Now the inflow is 2.600 cubic meters/sec., the release flow at 6.00 was 2,950, at 8.00 – 2,700. The water level in the reservoir rose with 60 cm after the freshet from Ukraine and reached 27.7 m.
According to the Defense Ministry, the situation is getting tense in Copanca village (Causeni.) 34 military and vehicles strengthen the protection dam with sand sacks. Authorities may order the displacement of locals.
The situation is critical in Bender, Grigoriopol and Olanesti where the water has grown with 1-1.5 m. In areas of the lower Nistru, Moldovan and Ukrainian authorities have widened adjacent canals pouring into the Black Sea.
According to the press officer of the Civil Protection and Emergency Service, Liliana Puscasu, 5,703 people have been evacuated from the localities stricken or threatened by floods, in addition to those 6,000 displaced from the resorts on the Nistru. 4,252 persons living on the Prut's bank have been evacuated, and 1,452 – from the Nistru's bank. The floods have affected over 600 houses, 75 resorts, as 70 houses were completely destroyed.