
Wages of financial field’s employees are 5-fold higher than monthly average wages in agriculture


In January-September 2006, the monthly average wages of an employee of the Moldovan national economy (enterprises with 20 and more employees) constituted MDL 1619.5 and has increased by 29% compared with the similar period of the last year (the real wage went up by 15%). According to the information provided by the National Bureau of Statistics, in the budgetary sector the average wage amounted to MDL 1404.1, in the real sector of the economy – MDL 1734.9. The average wage of an employee in September 2006 constituted MDL 1799.7, by 34% more compared with September 2005. In the budgetary field the average wage constituted MDL 1597.7, in the real sector – MDL 1906.4. In agriculture, hunting economy and forestry, the average wage from the beginning of the year until now constituted MDL 775, in fishery – MDL 1085. At the same time, the average wage in industry amounts to MDl 2017, in extractive industry – MDL 2481, processing industry – MDL 1856, food industry – MDL 1848, beverages industry – MDL 1534, electric and thermal power, natural gases and water – MDL 2780, constructions – MDL 2287, retail and wholesale – MDL 1420, hotels and restaurants – MDL 1342, transports and communications – MDL 2482, financial activities – MDL 3696, estate transactions – MDL 1930, public administration – MDL 2023. In education, the average wage in the first 9 months of 2006 constituted MDL 1209, and in health system and social assistance field – MDL 1292.