
Voters in Congaz to go to the polls


The second round of elections to choose the own representative to the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia will take place in Congaz village of Comrat district on April 5, IPN reports.

The second round involves candidates Vitalie Chiurcciu and Ivan Telpiz, who gained the largest number of votes in the first round, but not sufficient for entering the legislative body of Gagauzia. Petru Ianacov was then excluded from the race.

The second round of elections to choose the own representative to the People’s Assembly in Congaz will cost the budget of Gagauzia 83,000 de lei.

On March 22, similar elections were held in Gaidar constituency, where only Zinaida Popaz ran. She won the number of votes needed to be declared winner.

The partial elections for the People’s Assembly were announced after the representatives of the constituencies Gaidar and Congaz - Fiodor Gagauz and Demian Caraseni – entered Moldova’s Parliament.