
Voters can ask for mobile box until 15.00 on election day


The Moldovans eligible to vote who will not be able to go to the polling place to vote on health grounds or because they are in detention places can ask for the mobile ballot box in written or oral form starting with the tenth day before the elections until 15.00 on the election day, Info-Prim Neo reports. This applies to persons who cannot move owing to health problems, who are in remand centers, who are in prison but their sentence is not definitive, who serve an administrative sentence in the form of arrest, who were sentenced to imprisonment for minor and less serious offences, as well as to persons who are in health spas, holiday resorts or hospitals. At least two members of the electoral office will take the mobile box to the voter’s home together with the things needed for voting: the additional electoral roll signed by the head and the secretary of the electoral office, the ballot, the special stamp “ELECTIONS 05.04.09” that is put in the identification papers, the stamp “Voted” and a pad. The team that conveys the mobile box can be accompanied by monitors. The mobile box is available until 20.00. By 21.00, it must be back at the polling station.