
Voter registered 52 times on voter list


A person is written 52 times on a voter list, with different data of the ID card. It happens in Cimislia, Info-Prim Neo learns from the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections – Coalition 2009. In polling station 202, in Chisinau's Rascani district, some voters noticed foreign people as registered in their houses, some of them having even voted. Observers identify that dead people or people having left their residences are on the voter lists in Chisinau polling stations. In station 145 in Chisinau, the administrator of an asylum briefed the inmates in the morning to vote for the Communists Party (PCRM), “since the party takes care of them,” Coalition 2009 informs. The priestess of Sangera town of Chisinau municipality electioneered in the PCRM's favor, in front of the culture house. While a teacher from Sudarca village of Donduseni district, a member with the electoral bureau, obliged students to vote for the PCRM and show their ballots before casting them. According to LADOM observers, several people were noticed today campaigning for the Democratic Party and the PCRM. 3 pm results from polling stations abroad: Moscow – 858, that is 74% of the number of voters who had voted on April 5; Bucharest – 934 (33%); Bologna – 833 (24%), Rome – 460 (29%), Brussels – 140 (34%), London – 70 (24%), Paris – 430 (35%), la Atena – 366 (33%). By 12.30, 2,346 voters from the Transnistrian area voted in those 11 polling stations opened for them.