
Volunteers of Nistru war took arms in order to ensure freedom at home


[Info-Prim Neo article from the series “20 years of the start of the war. When should we expect peace?”] It is 20 years of the beginning of the war for defending Moldova’s integrity and independence (1991-1992), but not all those who took part in the armed conflict have documents confiding their status. The volunteers said they made numerous approaches to obtain the status of war veteran, but the authorities did not satisfy their requests. [Volunteers replaced Army] The chairman of the National Council of the Volunteers’ Union Sergiu Caracai said the Transnistrians were the first to enter the war as their families were maltreated and gardens and yards destroyed by soldiers of the 14th Army, KGB members and Cossack volunteers. After President Mircea Snegur made an appeal, the volunteers from other regions joined in. “About 80% of those who fought were volunteers. We consciously replaced the Army that did not exist then,” stated Sergiu Caracai. Mihail Moroi, a volunteer from Anenii Noi, said he went to fight because the country needed their help and because he wanted to be free at home. He did not pursue other goals. “When I heard President Mircea Snegur’s appeal, I went to the mayor’s office and enrolled as a volunteer. At that moment, I did not think I had an option. We decided to fight for the country’s independence and the future of our families,” said Vladimir Vlah, from Mereni. [Lied for 20 years] The chairman of the National Council of the Volunteers’ Union said that the volunteers who took part in the Nistru war submitted about 200 official applications to the authorities during 20 years, but they have been ignored. “We are treated like bandits. We sent hundreds of letters, but received no answer. We are not recognized as war veterans. We do not have an official status showing that we fought for our county. We took the arms, left the families and jobs and went to war,” said Sergiu Caracai. Anatol Croitor, from Cosnita, said the volunteers have been lied for 20 years. “We enjoy no privileges. They promised that we will have access to preferential loans, but these loans were granted to soldiers and persons who had not fought,” he stated. The volunteers want to be recognized as war veterans so that they benefit from concessions in public transport and in the health sector, humanitarian aid on certain occasions, and other advantages. The volunteers who were issued with the conflict participant’s card receive benefit, even if it is insignificant. Vladimir Vlah said he has a monthly allowance of 25 lei, while in winter receives an allowance for wood. Besides, he benefits from concessions on public utilities. [The authorities’ word] The head of the Defense Ministry’s Personnel Division, Colonel Eduard Ohladchuk said the volunteers who took part in the armed conflict were managed by the Command of the fighting military units, which bore responsibility for their behavior during the war. The volunteers were registered as recruits of these units, were armed and offered logistic support according to the military regulations. Thus, under Law No. 190-XV of 08.05.2003, these volunteers are veterans and benefit from additional social protection, as those who were forced to take part in the armed conflict. But the Ministry of Defense’s budget does not include funds for such purposes. According to Eduard Ohladchuk, the volunteers who have the conflict participant’s card benefit from social protection through the National Social Insurance House. General Vasile Grosu, who headed the Artillery Division of the Armed Forces during the war, considers that some of the NGOs’ data about the number of war volunteers are exaggerated, even if there are no accurate records as regards the participants in the war. During the first days of the war, until the soldiers were mobilized, the volunteers represented about 80%, but the situation changed in several days. [The expected change] According to Vasile Grosu, the volunteers’ situation can be improved by initiating a process to identify all the persons who took part in the war, in all the local public administrations. The volunteers with cards should be written in special registers. Local investigations should be conducted in the case of the other volunteers so as to decide whether they should be issued with cards. The authorities should ensure the transparency of the related methods. Sergiu Caracai said the volunteers will calm down when the authorities change their attitude towards them, as regards the conscience, the steps taken and the funds allocated for them. [Svetlana Maftei, Info-Prim Neo]