
“Voice of Roma” Coalition: Programs to facilitate the Roma’s access to labor market are needed


The Coalition “Voice of Roma” (CVR) considers the National Employment Agency should launch a program to facilitate the Roma’s access to the labor market by organizing a job platform at the local level. National and local programs to train young Romanies to work in administration and in public institutions are also necessary. The recommendations were formulated in connection with the presentation of a monitoring repot on the Program for the support of the Roma population in the Republic of Moldova (2022-2025), as regards employment.

In a news conference hosted by IPN, CVR expert Silvia Feraru said the data of the National Employment Agency show that 688 Romanies were registered as unemployed in the first half of this year, which is 4.9% of all the jobless persons. Most of them – 468 – are from urban areas. Out of the unemployed Romanies, 633 have primary education, 31 have secondary education, 16 have vocational professional education, five graduated from a lyceum, while three graduated from a college.

It is ascertained that there are reduced chances of employment and the high number of those who have only primary education can place obstacles to the involvement of the unemployed ones in professional training programs. However, 39 persons found a job with the assistance of the National Employment Agency, namely as unqualified workers in agriculture, winegrowing or as ancillary workers, stated Silvia Feraru.

For example, in Edineț there are 1,621 Roma people and 400 of them are children. As they cannot continue their studies, they consequently remain without a profession and a qualified job. The Roma have limited access to jobs, even without qualification, including owing to the Romanies’ attitude to work. The women in particular do not want to work legally, with a work contract, as they consider that working is something shameful and is not accepted by the traditions of the Roma community.

According to the expert, most of the working persons are engaged in seasonal employment. As a result of discussions Roma experts had at the local level, it was ascertained that the business entities are reluctant to hire Roma people owing to the low level of studies of these and because there is no positive experience of Roma work.

Among the main causes of the Roma’s limited access to the labor market are the age and qualification of the Romanies, the absence of education or the leaving of educational institutions too early, as a result of which they remain unqualified and can work in low pay areas.

Marin Alla, executive director of the Coalition “Voice of Roma”, said it is regrettable that during all the years of independence, resources for the Roma haven’t been found. If funds are not allocated for implementing the Program for the support of the Roma population in the Republic of Moldova (2022-2025), for each point apart, without generalizations, no progress will be made in any of the program’s points.

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