
Vladimir Voronin solicited the support of other countries concerning the European Integration Process


The president Vladimir Voronin solicited the support of Austria in obtaining for the Republic of Moldova of the Autonomous Commercial Preferences of EU is presented in a press release of the Presidency, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. The request was formulated at the meeting of Voronin with the Federal President of the Republic of Austria, Heinz Fischer at the works of the XIII Summit of the heads of states of the Central Europe, held on Friday in Varna. The head of state solicited, as well the support of Austria in the negotiations of the Republic of Moldova with EU regarding the facilitation of the visa regime with EU, after Heinz Fischer mentioned that the Austrian authorities show understanding regarding all the countries oriented towards European integration and support the actions undertaken by them in order to bring into being this desideratum. Within the works of the summit, the Moldovan President met with the President of the Slovak Republic, Ivan Gasparovic, and at the meeting he emphasized the interest of the Republic of Moldova for European integration experience of Slovakia. Gasparovic declared that the firm position of the Slovak authorities is that Moldova must become a member of EU. Within another meeting the Polish President, Lech Kaczynski mentioned about the special interest of his country for Moldova affirming that Moldova is in the priority foreign affairs zone of Poland. At present the attention of all EU member countrie is focused to the occidental Balkan states, but Poland interested in establishing tighter relationships with the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia, declared Lech Kaczynski. Vladimir Voronin mentioned the fact that Poland was the first country with which Moldova established a special visa regime, soliciting the support of this country for obtaining a special visa regime between Moldova and the European Union.