
Vladimir Turcan doesn’t regret Valentin Guznac’s departure


Moldova Unita Party leader Vladimir Turcan didn’t speak to his former party fellow Valentin Guznac about the latter’s departure to the Democrat Party. “I simply received the request. I know there are some particular circumstances”, Vladimir Turcan told Info-Prim Neo. Besides, he stressed Guznac wasn’t an active party member. Asked whether he would carry on with his plan to form a parliamentary faction, considering that this requires at least 5 deputies, while his group consists of only 4, Turcan declared other deputies would join his faction quite soon. Valentic Guznac claims he chose the Democrats out of personal beliefs and that he identifies himself with this party. “I’m an ordinary member of the faction. I wasn’t promised any posts”, he stated. Guznac, who had quit Communists’ Party in December 2009, joined the Democrats at the party congress on Saturday, June 12.