
Vladimir Cebotari: Number of MPs of parliamentary majority will drop under 51


MP Vladimir Cebotari, former member of the Democratic Party of Moldova, who now forms part of the Pro Moldova parliamentary group, said that more MPs will leave the Democratic Party’s parliamentary group. He noted there are two more groups inside the PDM and also a small group that is only taking shape. Besides the two groups, there are people who intend to leave the party at the right moment, IPN reports.

“There are two groups inside the PDM and there are people who do not belong to these groups – those who do not agree with the processes taking place inside the Democratic Party. There are persons who adopted particular positions on particular processes and will leave when time comes,” Vladimir Cebotari stated in the program “Fourth Power” on N4 channel.

He said the seven MPs who left the PDM left because they didn’t support the decisions taken by the party and the way in which these decisions were taken. The decisions should have been taken with the consent of the whole team in an assumed and transparent way.

The ex-minister of justice said the new parliamentary group does not intend to attract more democratic MPs to them.

“We do not hunt for members of the Democratic Party. We are building a political party from zero, with people who would have that ardent wish to contribute to improvements in the country, who would realize particular values and would share our values. I consider not many such people remained in the PDM,” stated Vladimir Cebotari.

He also said that the new PDM-PSRM coalition will not manage to survive until the end of the mandate of the current legislature as the number of MPs who formed the parliamentary majority will drop to under 51.

Moldova’s Parliament consists of 101 MPs.