
Vlad Musteață, founder of “Proimobil”: An oligarch wants to take over my business


Vlad Musteață, the founder of the real estate company “Proimobil”, said that since 2016 he has been subject to pressure so that his realty business is taken over illegally. He had to leave the country even if he had a child aged only three months, owing to the threats made against him and his family, IPN reports.

In a news conference at IPN, Vlad Musteață said that he goes through an ordeal. Initially, Nicolae Dumbrăveanu of the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases together with a team of six prosecutors carried out searches at his company, which were followed by a fiscal inspection. The fiscal inspection confirmed that they functioned legally. “Strange things started then to happen. Different persons transmitted to me messages saying that the problem resides not in tax evasion or in the activity of the firm and that the problem can be solved only from GBC (Global Business Center, e.n.). I was shocked as I knew no one there,” he stated, noting he continues to receive messages saying that he could be arrested as someone from inside the oligarchic system wanted to take over his business. He later realized that Dorin Damir was involved and namely he wanted to appropriate his business. It happened in the spring of 2017 when all the state institutions were captured.

The businessman said that a new fiscal inspection was conducted in the summer of 2017 and this showed that the firm worked legally. More searches involving 20-30 prosecutors followed in August 2017. Two persons were arrested on the first day. The real estate agents were told that at least ten persons will be arrested. Practically everyone was forced to make statements against him and, based on those statements, the State Tax Service in two-three weeks imposed a fine of about 50 million lei on him. He received messages from Dorin Damir, through his right-hand man Octavian Orheianu, saying that only they can solve the problem and he should pay particular amounts of money for the problem to be sold and for other real estate agents not to be arrested. The goal was to make him concede his business as the First House program was to be launched and the oligarchic regime wanted to hold a monopoly on the real estate market.

In 2019, practically the entire administration of the firm consisted of persons named by Octavian Orheianu and Dorin Damir. The regime changed in 2019 and he tried to get rid of them and leave, but he was threatened that criminal cases will be stated against him. He was followed illegally and a denigration campaign was conducted against him. About ten criminal cases were started after 2017 against him and relatives of his and against former employees of the company. Nothing changed after he made statements about this group in 2019. After the searches of 2017, the agents who worked at the company and their families went abroad as they could not ensure the pressure to which they were subjected.

The founder of “Proimobil” called on the Prosecutor General’s Office to take attitude to these illegalities. “We are close to the limit. Two weeks ago, I was told that if I do not withdraw my complaints, I can be killed. It’s not about me only. There is a whole class of young people who want to build a future in this country,” stated Vlad Musteață.