
Vitalie Meșter: Activities of public authorities should meet expectations of persons with disabilities


The steps taken by the central and local public authorities to satisfy the needs of persons with disabilities should meet the expectations of people. Only then we can say that there is a partnership between the municipality and the persons with disabilities, said Vitalie Meșter, executive director of the Center for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. According to him, the new institutionalized body, the Consultative Council centering on the situation of persons with disabilities, has the duty to ensure cooperation between the public authorities and persons with disabilities.

“If what is done for persons with disabilities, for ensuring accessibility conditions, for the social inclusion, educational inclusion, for realizing the right to medical assistance meets the expectations of the people, we will be able to say that there is a partnership and what is done is indeed in accordance with the expectations. I think it is very important for the public authorities to know to what extent what was done corresponds to people’s expectations, while the Consultative Council will gather reactions from civil society, from the community in general,” Vitalie Meșter stated in a press conference hosted by IPN.

“The civic platform based on which the activities related to persons with disabilities were started, “Chisinau Accessible to All”, passes on its mission to an institutionalized body – the Consultative Council that will work under the mayor general of the municipality of Chisinau Ion Ceban. What will be planned by the City Hall as regards the rights of persons with disabilities, including the changes in the fields of education, health, social assistance, will be discussed with persons with reduced mobility. Through the creation of this Council, we will reach the fourth level when we cooperate together with civil society, with the local public authorities and work together for the benefit of society,” stated the executive director of the Center for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

He noted that the changes made in the municipality of Chisinau arte visible. Tactile paving and traffic lights with signal warning systems appeared in the municipality. The curbs at intersections were removed. “The changes in the municipality occur owing to the insistence and involvement of the persons with disabilities and the public authorities’ readiness to cooperate,” said Vitalie Meșter.

On June 7, there was held a meeting to constitute the Consultative Council and this centered on the designing of the action plan for the second half of 2022 and the strategy for making the municipality of Chisinau more accessible for 2023-2025.

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