
Virgil Pâslariuc: Problem of injustice is main problem invoked by citizens


Injustice is the main problem of society invoked by the citizens. Going from village to village, the members of the Party of Action and Solidarity convince themselves that the old problem of injustice continues to persist. Therefore, the PAS aims to do justice in the country and has a plan of action to this effect. The corrupt judges and prosecutors will be removed from the system. The thieves will be punished and their property will be confiscated. The functionaries who will harass businessmen will be punished and dismissed. All the state institutions will work for the people, not against them. Everyone will be equal before the law. The first three laws that will be adopted will allow for the confiscation of the property of functionaries who cannot justify this, for the lifting of the immunity of MPs for acts of corruption and for the reformation of the Anticorrosion Prosecutor’s Office by the model of National Anticorruption Directorate of Romania, PAS candidate for MP Virgil Pâslariuc stated in IPN’s third electoral debate of the series “Analyzing Electoral Supply and Demand-2021”.

Asked how the confiscation of propriety of functionaries who cannot justice it and the lifting of the immunity of MPs will be possible in practical terms, Virgil Pâslariuc said amendments will have to be made to the Constitution. “We hope we will have a majority of honest and upright MPs. The problem of unjust enrichment is huge and implies grand political corruption. Until now the politicians who came to power became thieves. Now the thieves want to enter politics. They use the specially modeled legislation to enable persons with a dubious past to enter politics and to benefit from political rights to get rid of punishment. That’s why we aim to remove this immunity so that the prosecutor general does not have to come to P arliament and ask to lift the immunity,” stated Virgil Pâslariuc.

Asked why some consider that PAS is the only savior of Moldovan society, Virgil Pâslariuc said PAS enjoys citizens’ trust and they hope to gain a mandate to govern on July 11. “We have a history behind and for five years have struggled against the regime of Plahotniuc and Dodon and the citizens saw and appreciated this. That’s why I think we deserve this trust so that we take over government for the next four years,” stated Virgil Pâslariuc. As to why Igor Dodon and Vlad Plahotniuc are not yet in jail, Virgil Pâslariuc said that in the case of Vlad Plahotniuc, this was impossible with 15 MPs in Parliament.

He noted that PAS estimated the costs for fulfilling the electoral promises. The average salary can be increased to 15,000 lei by revitalizing the economy and they determined this based on real calculations. The social payments will also be possible if the public funds are managed correctly and if the development partners are persuaded to help the country.

Virgil Pâslariuc said the political messages are aligned to the expectation of voters. Those who do this best win the elections. Among the problems that should be combated are poverty, stealing, corruption, division of society and international isolation. The victory of Maia Sandu showed that most of the citizens consider a change is necessity. The people want a state that protects them, guarantees their safe future and decent living conditions near the dear ones. The solution is a responsible Parliament and a stable Government that will ensure economic growth, justice and social equity.

In the July 11 snap parliamentary elections, the Party of Action and Solidarity will be under No. 5 on the ballot.

The third electoral debate of the series “Analyzing Electoral Supply and Demand-2021”
also involved the representatives of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians and the Party of Law and Justice Vlad Biletski and Vasile Ceban.

IPN’s fourth electoral debate set for July 2, 11:15am, will feature the election contenders Electoral Bloc “RENATO USATÎI”, the Building Europe at Home Party “PACE” and the Electoral Bloc of the Communists and the Socialists.

IPN Agency stages the electoral debates as part of the series “Developing Political Culture though Public Debates”, with the assistance of the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.