
Victor Stratila is Green Ecologist Party’s candidate for mayoralty


The ex-vice president of the National Integrity Commission Victor Stratila is the Green Ecologist Party’s candidate for mayor general of Chisinau municipality. In a press release, the party said it decided to field the own candidate after the discussions with the pro-European parties about the nomination of a common candidate failed, IPN reports.

According to the Greens, not all the pro-European parties accepted to field a common candidate for the mayoralty of Chisinau. Particular parties provided own candidates even amid the discussions and meetings of the pro-European parties.

The Green Ecologist Party said Victor Stratila is well-known for his fruitful activity as part of state and governmental institutions and of international organizations.

On April 12, Victor Stratila submitted the documents required for being registered as an election runner. The Chisinau District Electoral Council has seven days to examine these and to take a decision as to the registration.